Chapter 19

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Dead Beat's POV

I continued walking along the California desert thinking about horrible things in the silence.I looked around occasionally just to make sure that I wasn't being followed by any humans or robots. They meant the same thing now anyways.

I saw a few plants with leaves fighting against the heat to grow back and reclaim the earth.Humans are going to die out soon and there will be nothing left but plants and a few animals.No monuments and nothing to prove another race existed at all.I was pulled out of my thoughts by the smell of smoke.I span around trying to find the source of the smell.Thats when I saw the car off into the distance.

I ran towards the familiar Trans-Am with the Killjoy spider painted on he hood.I reached  the car and tried to open the door after a bit of struggle it finally opened.Each killjoy lay unconscious wether  it was from smoke inhalation or the impact itself but I wasn't going to try and figure it out.I grabbed Missile first who moved slightly but her eyes stayed closed and placed nearby.The car was going to burst into flames any moment.I began moving faster I grabbed Frank and Gerard by the wrists and tried to drag them out the car,It was harder then Missile but it worked.I placed them next to my sisters body.I ran to the other side of the car determined to get the others out it was only when I dragged Ray out when I realised that the younger Way brother was nowhere to be found.

It was only a few seconds after I got Ray out that the car burst into flames burning the famous Killjoy logo with it.I managed to drag the killjoys a few meters from where I originally placed them.I began to sing as I watched the light from the car burn out.

When I was a young boy by father took me into the city to see a marching...

Soon the other Killjoys began to stir,Fun Ghoul was the first to wake closely followed my Party and Jet.My younger sister waking last.

"Where's my brother?''Party asked as soon as he woke.

"Why did he do that?''asked Jet.

"I just found you I don't know what happened at all."I said before Ghoul began to ask questions.

"Guys..."Missile whispered whilst tugging on my shirt.Slowly I turned around and saw a familiar face.

"Hello father.''I said with a smirk.

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