Chapter 2

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That was to risky I haven't done something like that in a while.Last time I did that I blew up a part of BL/ind it was fun but risky. I'm going to have a lot of killjoys on my tail now.

The radio had gone back to playing its music and was currently playing American Idiot by Green Day.I knew were I was going and this was going to be even more risky then hacking into a radio station because I was going to the Fabulous Fours base.

I knew were it was and I was one of the few who did.It was a small run down diner just inside zone six.
I would make it there my noon.
So I sat in my car ignoring the heat and listening to the music, most of the artists dead or forgotten.

Then I saw it, the diner covered in graffiti.I parked my car in front of the small building.I could here faint voices.

"It could have been lucky,it doesn't mean she knows our names."Party said.I had opened the door and they hadn't noticed me yet so I decided to speak up.

"Oh but I do."Once again I had four guns pointed at me.

"Who are you?"Ghoul asked.I took off the sunglasses.

"The names Dead Beat."They lowered their guns ever so slightly.

"Like we would believe you."Party said.

"Why wouldn't you."I said.

"You said you knew our names."Ghoul said and I nodded.

"Indeed I do, Frank."I said while everyone raised their guns while taking a step closer.

"Tell us how do you know our names!"
In answer I pulled up my sleeve to reveal a tattoo of the black parade drawing that Gerard drew.

"Look familiar?"I asked with a smile.

"Holy-"Fun Ghoul was cut off by a voice from somewhere deeper in the building.

"What's going on down there?"A voice whom I recognised as Doctor D.

"You might wanna come down here, bring the girl."Party said.Doctor D and a familiar face came down the hall.

"Destroya?"The girl asked whilst all of the boys looked at me.

"Missile Kid."I said with a smile.

"They said you died, but I didn't believe them.I knew you couldn't die." She said while she ran up to hug me but Doctor D held her back."

"Who are you?"Doctor D asked.

"Dead Beat."

"You hacked into my radio station."He said sounding more amused then anything.

"Indeed I did."I replied.

"How do you know her she won't even tell us her name?"Jet Star asked.

"What did she call you?"

"I still don't trust you."Kobra whispered.

"You have reasons not to."I said. Missile broke free from doctor D's grasp and ran to me.I bent down to hug her.

"You came back."She whispered.

"Of course I did,darling.But I will leave again you now I have to."I said sadly.

"But I hate it when you do that."She whispered.I smiled.

"Against the sun were the enemy."I said quoting a song I made up when we were younger.

"Come back here."Party instructed. She looked at me sadly before walking over to Party."Go back to your room only come down when we tell you."

"No."She said, you could here the sass in her voice.

"Missile, please."I said she smiled at me before leaving.

"How do you know her?"Doctor D asked.

"I could ask you the same question."

"You know so much about us so tell us about you."Ghoul asked.

"Over my dead body."I said.

"How do you know the girl."He tried again.

"How did you get to be so annoying?"I asked."Missile Im leaving!''

"No way in hell you are."Party said.

"Party I escaped BL/ind on my own, am the most wanted killjoy, know all of your information, killed more Dracs on my own then you have ever imagined so would you please let me do something as simple as saying goodbye to my sister!"

Missile came running down the stairs.

"Your leaving?"She asked.

"Sorry kid, you know what it's like."

"You know what to do?"I smiled at this comment.

"Keep running."I said whilst running out the door and into my beautiful car.

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