Apologies & Breakdowns

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The whole week I avoided him or tried to. He was literally everywhere and it gave me anxiety whenever he made eye contact with him. I couldn't deny the fact that he was tired. He had bags under his dull brown eyes. It pained me to see that he was depriving himself of sleep especially since the PSATs were coming closer and he really needed the sleep to be able to focus on school work. Word around school was that he was off his game completely and that coach benched him for 2 games.

As much as I tried not to think about him, it was inevitable. Our break up was unfortunately the talk of the school and he was always surrounded by thirsty girls as well as Candy even though he seemed to show no interest whatsoever in any of them.

A month or so passed and I was starting to fix myself and build my walls back up; make myself stronger than I was before. I didn't want to bring my walls down like that again to get hurt. George had suddenly started to become nice again although I didn't hang around him at all and when I did, it was in groups of people. He apologized about everything he did and apparently, he just ran out of his daily meds and wasn't able to get a refill until recently. I was still very cautious about him because you never know.

I sat in class and waited for the bell to signal the beginning of class. The door opened just after the bell rang and a rushing Jake hurried in.

"Sorry I'm late. I'm in this class now, sir," He looked around the room until his eyes landed on me. He gave a nervous smile before looking back at the teacher. I looked around the class room for a seat he could sit in as I desperately prayed it wasn't the empty one behind me.

"Very well, take a seat behind Daniela. Raise your hand so he knows who you are, Dani." An awkward cough rolled from my lungs as I stared at him.

"Oh, he knows who she is," was said bitterly by a random girl I had noticed trying to get his attention a lot. She rolled her eyes at me and flirtatiously smiled at Jake. However, Jake paid no attention to her as he walked to his seat. He slyly left a not on my desk before sliding into his own.

Thoughts raced through my mind as I tried to decipher what the note could be. If it was another apology I was pretty much ready to walk out of class.

"Please read it, Dani. Please," I heard him whisper as if he was saying it merely to the air than to me. I could hear his legs bouncing nervously behind me as I grasped the note in my shaking fingers and opened it. It was practically an essay from what I could see. Words printed on the front and a little over half of the back.

I took a nervous breath and started reading, cutting out any possible noise from the outside world as I focused on the words on the letter and my thoughts..

"Dear Dani,

You probably think this is an apology letter and it sort of is. I know what I did was out of character, inappropriate, and disgusting but before you tear this piece of paper to shreds, I would like the opportunity to explain myself. Because you do not allow me to be in touch with you anymore, the only way I can reach you is like this. I hope you understand that I was never trying to hurt or disrespect you like this. You are everything to me and now that I have lost you, I do not know how to feel or what to feel other than anger at myself.

What you saw in that hotel was not supposed to be like that. Would like to tell you about it face to face for the story is much more complicated than I can even fathom and having you read it instead of hearing the entire truth from me would be wrong. Please, even if you struggle to forgive me or if you just don't want to forgive me, I just want to let you know my side of the story.

I love you so much, Daniela Yesamine Rodriguez and I just hope one day, you'll be able to return my love once again. I am sorry that I caused you so much pain. Seeing you that way tore and continues to tear me apart on the inside and out and I can not put into words how infuriated I am with myself at the moment. I promise you with every bit of my body that I will fix this. For you, for me, for us.

With all my love,
Jake T. Austin

Despite my heart racing, brain throbbing, and body shaking, I calmly folded the paper once more and laid it flatly on my desk. I stared straight ahead, not blinking in fears that the tears that had built up in my eyes would fall. I grasped the edge of the desk tightly to stop myself from running out of the classroom.

I couldn't concentrate on anything but the clock on the wall as I willed the hands to move faster. We still had about 40 minutes left of class and my brain felt like it was about to explode. My hands shot up I'm the air before I knew what I was doing.

"May I use the bathroom?" I asked a little too loudly. He nodded without looking up and I sprung out of my seat. I felt like I was suffocating with him in such close proximity. The air rushed back into my lungs as I walked down the hall. I pulled my phone from my pocket and texted Rose.

Me: Can u meet me in the 300 bathroom?

Not even a minute later she replied with a 'ya'

I stood against the wall of the bathroom as I waited, finally she walked in. I had a feeling the tear I had tried to keep in had slid down my cheek alone.

"What happened, Dani? It's been a long time." I handed her the letter and stood quietly as she read the whole thing, "so what are you gonna do?" She asked, still skimming the paper.

"I don't know! Am I supposed to just let him explain? But what if he lies and I actually believe it? What if I do forgive him and he does it again?" All these questions fell out of my mouth in a rushed manner. They all were evidence of what I was really feeling. I wanted to give him a chance. It just didn't set well in my mind. All I wanted to know was why. And that's when I decided that I would. I would give him a chance to explain.

That didn't mean I would forgive him, though, because there was still a lot of pain and hurt in my heart and I couldn't bring it in me to pick at the scab on my heart that was just starting to heal.

"I'll let him explain," I said to Rose. She didn't look surprised. It was probable that she would have talked me into doing it anyway. A few seconds later we left the bathroom and she walked me to my class to make sure I was really okay. Minutes after I sat down in my desk, the Bell rung and I quickly packed my up my books. Before I was able to walk out, Jake caught my hand.


Hey guys! So here's another update!! Thanks to you guys who kept commenting and telling me to update❤ it actually really helped push me to update and even add a few more (extra) paragraphs in there.

I love u guys so much!


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