Chit Chat

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So I stayed.

And we talked.
For what seemed like hours on end, actually. She was really funny, if I'm being honest. They finally explained that they were step siblings which made me so much more relieved.

We had so many similar interests however, I think she would fit better with those band fans. Like Rose most likely. She has such a tricky taste in music but mostly because she listens to literally every genre probably- which is why we mostly had such a good amount of favorites in common.
She had me when she mentioned Lana Del Ray because she is literally my queen. I think I turned fangirl for a while when she did. I did that weird squeeling thing and slammed my fist on the table and just blabbed on and on about how much I loved her songs. She agreed with my every word.

We made sure to keep in touch too. I followed her on all social media as she did to me. I found out she actually owned one of the most popular Lana Del Ray fan accounts and I almost collapsed because I was already followed her. I practically stalk her page... Who would have thought.

It got to a point where Jake asked if he could leave because all we did was talk about girl things but we made him stay. Just to torture him a bit. She couldn't believe he was being so secretive over something so small and neither could I.

Hours later, when the sky was now colored a nice red, orange-ish yellow color and we were sure the diner had ran out of food, we finally left. We all headed in different directions, toward our cars.

I was still hung up over what Jake was going to say though. I didn't think I would get any sleep tonight with it on my mind and as I lay here in my bed right now, I know I can't.

I quickly grab my phone off my night stand only to find out that it wasn't charging the entire time. Curse short iPhone chargers. I plug it in and wait for it to be to at least 10% before I turn it on.

I scroll through my phone, immediately finding Jake's name. Should I call him or text him.

I could text him but seeing as it's 2 something at midnight, he might not see it until tomorrow and if I call him, hopefully, he isn't a heavy sleeper.

I called once, no answer. Twice, still no answer. And I thought of giving up but my curiosity wouldn't let me. Thrid time, he picked up on the second ring. I guess third time really is the charm, huh?

"Hello?" He answered his voice sort of groggy.

"Jake," my voice was barely a whisper bit I was hoping he had heard.

"Dani, why are you up so late?" He groaned and I could here shuffling in the background.

"I just.. Um. I couldn't sleep," I responded, "I kind of wanna talk to you..."

I didn't know how to hint it correctly but I was hoping he understood exactly what I wanted to talk about.

He groaned quite loudly, "are you still on that thing I was gonna tell you earlier?" So he knew.

I hummed letting him know that was exactly what I was thinking about. Once again, he groaned, "I'll be over in 15 minutes," then he hung up. I sat on my bed and anticipated. I brushed my teeth, redid my bun and waited. Finally, the door bell rang and I rushed to it, swinging it open.

I'm tired of waiting. I just want to know already.

"Alright so tell me. Right now," he shook his head.

"If I'm going to tell you, I might as well make it good,"

I frowned at him as he pulled me out into the cold air. We walked to his car then minutes later we pulled up to a...forest?

"Uh... Jake? Where are we?" I stuttered, it's dark out and I can't see anything within my arms reach. He grabs my arm after switching on the light from his phone.

"We are at somewhere special,"

"Care to add to that?" I questioned, what he said really didn't answer my question. It just made me more curious.

Now I started to really think. No thanks to the Lifetime channel either because what I was thinking was based off of many Lifetime movies that left me scared and never wanting to leave my room.

We are in the dark....

In the woods...

And we keep going deeper and deeper...

He won't tell me what's going on...

What if he's planning something?

Is it something good?


Focus on something good... Something good. The stars.

The stars look beautiful today. It almost looks like they all finally decided to shine as one. Although, the light isn't enough to light up this path we are walking on, it is still such a beautiful sight to see.

After nanother few minutes I see a glimmer on the floor. But it's not a's a lake.

A lake?

"Um Jake.."

"Shhh... Just let me talk," I nod my head and let him continue, "get in the water with me."

"What that's insa-" he already has everything off but his boxers, "I don't have a bathing suit," I shrug.

"Come on your bra and underwear," he slicks his hair back and smirks, "if you do it I'll tell you," another smirk.

"What is that?" I point behind him. While he's turned around to investigate, I peel my clothes off and hop into the water before he turns around.

He whined the whole time, telling me it was unfair of me to do that.

It's unfair of you to look like that
My inner vixen says.

"You have to tell me now."

"But-" I shoot him a glare, "okay, basically back at your house I was talking about random things because I didn't know how to tell you but," he swept a few strands of my hair behind my ear, "I love you."

Everything froze. It was as if we were in an action movie and everything was going in slow motion and you could see the dizzying cameras circling us dramatically.

I stood there frozen, unable to speak. All I did was blink. Once in a while my mouth would open and close but no sound came out.

I felt the urge to ballerina jump over a rainbow out of excitement. This couldn't be.

But it is.

Finally words escaped my mouth but in short stuttery ways.

"I- I ...How? W- why?"

"Why?" He asked shocked, "I don't even know why," he continued, "I just do. I didn't want to tell you because I don't know if you feel the same way," then it l made sense.

"I do- I- I love you too," I hugged him tightly. Who would have thought?

Me and the quarterback...


So the cheese hurts but I like it :3

Hope you guys like it... There's a possibility of smut in the next chapter!!!

I'm currently in French class fml but I hope you have a nice day.

Ur beautiful, I love u... Nice butt xD


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