Give It Up

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For some reason, I haven't seen Rose in a long time. It's been three days. Her parents almost never let her stay out of school for that long. Jake and I haven't been apart for more than a class period and if we are we text nonstop. I guess we're that couple now. The only thing I worry about is that lately, when we kiss, his hand slides lower and lower and its been bothering me. What does it mean?

Today he's finally letting me watch his practice which he ever does. He always complains that he wants to make sure he's good enough first which i think is grade A bullshit. I mean its quite obvious that he's good. He's the quarterback for Christ's sake! Sometimes I feel like he's cheating but there's no proof. Maybe I'm just scared.

He's probably just one of those people who get nervous when someone they know watches them. I know I am.

I called Rose during lunch-in the bathroom- don't ask. I actually just needed advice. I told her about the little...hand issue and the try outs and my thoughts of him cheating-well, old thoughts.- She gave me the advice only rose would give to any senior virgin: "Give it up" which uncoincidently, she told me.

"It's probably what he wants anyway," she said.

"Maybe it's not what I want," I said back, "I only have one virginity and if I lose it, I wanna make sure it's to the right person,"

"Don't even give me that crap, if he was that one viner you wouldn't think twice about jumping on that D"

"Hey! Don't bring Cameron into this."

"Fine, fine," she said. I could tell she was rolling her eyes, "so... do you love him?"

Everything froze. "No of course not we're only in high school," I tried to convince her but also myself. We barely just started dating it can't be true.


"I'm serious no I dont. We just started dating. Don't you think it would be too soon to catch feelings other than 'I like you?'"

"That's a lie girl. Its been almost 2 months."

"So what if it has?" I replied back, "That doesn't mean anything. I'm not in love with him."

"Haven't you ever heard of love at first site?"

"Bye," I hung up. This is way too confusing. I mean I guess I can understand that is just guys' mindsets to try to lose their V card before they graduate but Jake didn't seem like that kind.

I went back to our lunch table and sat down. "Hey, where were you?" He asked. I head and filled my mouth with food, not willing to answer that question.

He nodded and held my hand under the table. I don't know how I agreed to sit at the 'jock' table. But I guess I wouldn't be able too sit anywhere else because the group of friends I have made new friends with different groups.

Danielle was into drama suddenly and started sitting at their table. The rest started doing the same with their new interests and our table is empty at the moment. It was kind of weird because they all left one by one. Me being the first.

Lunch ended and later on school ended too and Jake was at my house.

We sat in the living room surrounded by Chinese food. We watched old Disney shows like Kim Possible and That's So Raven.

I scrolled through my instagram at one point or another and Jake insisted that we take a selfie. Of course I didn't get a chance to say no before he grabbed my phone and changed my camera the front camera and extended his arm. I refused smile but he just had to tickle me, making me burst out into hysterics. I heard the camera snap and a I looked at my phone. The picture was so beautiful i was laughing my ass off and Jake was looking at me with this beautiful smile on his face.

I took my phone and started looking through the filters.

"You don't need a filter," he said taking the phone from me, "You are so beautiful already." His hand was on my cheek stroking it softly. I couldn't help the stupid smile on my face.

Our breathing patterns increased as the space between us got smaller and smaller. Our faces now only inches apart. I could feel his breath on my lips. We were so close. So freaking close.

And then his phone rang. Ugh.

He pulled away, holding his fingers up, silently telling me to give him a second. He walked out of the room with his phone in hand.


An hour. A whole freaking hour he was gone. But now he was back but only to tell me he was leaving.

I guess I'm not mad at him. I was just thinking about what Rose was saying earlier. It's not that I'm going to listen and give it up. I'm actually very scared if I was to give him everything just like that.

No, what am I thinking? I can't just give it to him. What if her wasn't giving off those hints that he wanted do it? What If he just did that for no reason?

I walked him to the door. As I opened the door, he slammed it shut and pinned me against it, kissing me roughly before pulling back.

"I have to go but I'll be back in two hours and I want to you to be dressed up when I come back," I looked at him with confusion, "I wanna take you out tonight."

With that, he opened the front door and left.


Hey guys! So whatcha think? That gif on the side is ma fave lol.

I know Im such a sucky author for not updating often but its hard when you whole family looks at anyway to try to take your phome away from you :\ 




& Read my other fanfics

Much love❤❤


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