Chapter 2 - On Set with Medusa

Start from the beginning

"Ouch," David cried. "He called her unadventurous and boring? Bet she is a little desperate after that. What's she look like?" David's eyebrows lifted several times suggestively.

"Don't know," Patrick replied. "Doesn't matter, though. Her story reeks of desperation. Besides, she's friends with my sister. That's a line I can't cross. I'd never hear the end of it."

David chuckled. "You should bring her by the set. I bet meeting a bunch of television stars would be the highlight of her trip. Isn't that what boring housewives do?" he teased. "Eat bonbons and watch television all day?"

"Whatever." Patrick finished the last bite of his burger and wiped his mouth. "I'm gonna go run lines." Patrick stood and smoothed crumbs from his lap. He lifted his head once to acknowledge David and headed to his trailer.


"I thought you were going to die, Vincent!"

Patrick's soulful eyes met the brunette beauty who was running to him. "Never, Tessa," he murmured into her ear once she was in his arms.

"Don't ever do that again," she scolded. She wiped a trickle of blood from his lip. "Why would you fight him?" she sobbed.

"He hurt you, Tessa, and no one is allowed to do that." Patrick's fangs flashed in the light of the moon before he leaned forward, sinking his teeth into Tessa's neck.

"CUT!" yelled the director. "Great job, Patrick, Valerie," he praised. "Head to hair and make-up. I'll send someone when we are ready for the fight scene."

"Damien," Valerie pouted. "I have an early morning interview. You promised you wouldn't make me work late shoots before early morning shows."

Damien's jaw tightened in frustration. Everyone knew they couldn't shoot the scene without Valerie, and she was always pulling stunts like this. She gave new meaning to the word diva. Unfortunately, her character was so popular that the writers couldn't get rid of her without harming the show's ratings. Even more unfortunate was the fact that Valerie knew it.

"Val, I need you for this scene, and we're on a tight schedule this week." Damien's voice was smooth and calm, though his every muscle was tense.

"You promised, Damien," she argued. "I need my rest so I can talk about THIS show. I refuse to film anymore scenes tonight."

"You are toying with breach of your contract, Valerie." Damien's temper was ready to flare, but it was no match for Valerie. She walked across the set until she was toe to toe with the director.

"You'll lose your job before I lose mine, Damien, and you know it," she threatened. "I wonder if I should complain to the producers about you." Her eyes twinkled with merriment, because she knew she would win this argument.

"Fine," Damien spat. "But you will have to work your ass off to get this episode in the can on time. There won't be a show for you to hold over my head if we start missing deadlines."

Valerie chuckled in amusement. "That's your problem, Damien, not mine." She walked away, swaying her hips dramatically. As she reached Patrick, she smirked.

"No more shooting tonight," she grinned. "What do you say we get out of this place and go get a drink?" Her voice had grown sultry, and Valerie ran a finger down the front of Patrick's bare chest. He fought the shudder of revulsion at the thought of them together.

"Sorry, Valerie. I have a houseguest." For the first time, Patrick was glad to have Kylie as an excuse. Valerie had been after him since the first day of shooting. At first, he'd been flattered, but David had worked with her in the past and warned Patrick of her true nature. It hadn't taken long for her ugly side to appear, and Patrick was not interested in wasting his time with such a bitchy shrew.

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