Chapter 18 Today was a Fairytale

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'Really?' I asked, equally excited and scanned the dance floor for a glimpse of them, but couldn't see them anywhere.

'I think they had disappeared to make out, much like you two were doing, just more discrete.' She said with a smirk, I slapped her on the wrist, that girl love teasing me a little too much.

'It was sooo sweet though, he dedicated a song to you!' Alison had switched back to her friend mode and said, I smiled and blushed, remembering how he said I love you to me.

'Oh, you have that dreamy look on your face, spill.' Alison squealed, and started shaking me back and forth demanding details. So I told her.

'OMG! That is sooo cute! You two are just soooo sweet together.' She squealed loudly, distracting Jake from his phone, he was about to asked what's going on when Will just happened to return with food, saving me from making an excuse. (there is no way in hell I will tell Jake Sharp what happened with me and Will, talk about awkward)

I looked pointedly at Alison so that she got the message to not to blurt it out to everybody and she nodded in understanding.

The rest of the night passed in a bliss. Alison and I caught Hannah and Oliver whispering to each other outside the girl's bathroom, they looked extremely guilty when they saw us, so we dragged Hannah into the girl's bathroom and made her tell us what's going on. It turned out Oliver had liked her for a while now and he can't helped but blurted it out because she looked so beautiful today, the two of them will be going to a date next week. Me and Alison mentally high-fived ourselves.

Melissa and Luke were also in their own world, while Olivia and Bethany had disappeared off somewhere with their dates, no doubt making out in some dark corners (actually, I spotted Olivia and Greg making up behind the curtain, it was more awkward for me since they didn't even noticed me). Lizzy and her date were rather civilized, danced a few dance and spent most of their time on the table.

At the end we were pretty much the last people to leave, since we spent half an hour alone trying to locate the making-out-couples. We got onto the limo with relatively high spirits but tired bodies.

Needless to say those four continued to make out on the limo, I snuggled up next to Will, my energy completely drained from all the dancing and activities that had gone on. Will put his arm around me and I snuggled closer to his chest.

'Did you had fun tonight?' He asked, I nodded giving him a quick kiss. 'Thank you for that dance.' I said. Then I must had drifted off to sleep for a while, because the next thing I know, everyone was gone but me and Will, who was shaking me awake gently.

'Hey, the limo had dropped everyone off now, the girls said they would get their stuff from you tomorrow. I didn't want to wake you up, you looked so peaceful and cute.' He said, smirking slightly. I hit his arm weakly, still half-asleep, pushing myself up to see that we had arrived at the front of my house.

'You should have woke me up!' I said, searching for my clutch. He shrugged and opened the door for me to get out. I got off groggily, waved Will goodbye before heading back inside.

My mum was already asleep, she left a note saying that if she found Will in my room tomorrow morning I would be grounded for the rest of Christmas. I smiled at that before taking off my heels and dragged myself up to my room.

My eyes widened slightly as I took in my room, I shook my head to make sure that I wasn't having any hallucination. Someone had put red rose petals all over my bed and floor. There was a huge bouquet of lilies on my bed with a giant teddy bear who was holding a box.

I edged closer to my bed in a trace, this felt like a dream. I saw a card on the box, I opened it and it was from Will.

Dear Anna,

Happy 3 months anniversary! I hope you like my presents. If you were wondering how I pulled this off, the girls already know about this through Alison and you mum, I got back for a while from the ball when you were dancing with them and set this up. I wish I can see you face right now, but your mum would have kill me.



I had never felt so touched in my entire life, not even when I watched Titanic. I wiped a tear off my cheek, he was so sweet. Oh crap, I didn't get him anything, got to go look for something tomorrow! Thank god it's weekend so I had plenty of time to look around.

I shook my head a little, trying to take in the scenes around me once more, I was so tired that I wasn't even all that sure whether or not this is a dream, I somehow managed to slipped out of my dress and into my Pjs, brushed my teeth and removed my make up and fell asleep upon the pedals hugging the giant teddy bear with a smile on my face.


I realise that this is turning into a rather long story, which is always the case when I try to write. I am at least 1/3 of my way if not half way through the story now! hopefully I will wrap it up before summer ends :)

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