The respectful partner, Ace! Reader

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You had plenty of friends at school. You were always happy and cheery and that's what drew people to you. As much as you had lots of friends, none of them understood. All of them continued to call you by your biological pronoun. You continuously told them that it was They/them but of course they didn't listen. It seemed pretty easy if you tried. Even your club captain called you by your biological pronoun.
You, (L/N) (F/N) attended a school called Fukurodani academy. You were apart of the mixed volleyball team.
"(L/N)-San, you're late!" The coach called you as you walked into the gym. You sighed. "As I was saying, we are versing the boys team today instead of the girls. Prepare yourself, they have one of the top five spikers. It won't be easy, but it will be good practice." The coach then lead them out of the hall.
The team passed 3 gymnasiums until they heard the familiar squeak of shoes on the ground. The team all followed the coach in, except for you. You still had to change. You ran around the corner to the toilets and got changed.
You leaned over and peeked your head into the gym. Everyone was still warming up. The boys team looked strong and tall compared to the mixed team but You weren't fazed by it. You then slipped inside and started warming up with the others. As you walked in, one of the boys leaned into whisper to the other.
"Isn't that (L/N)-San?" The first whispered loudly.
"Yeah, (Biological pronoun) is a bit weird. Always telling people to refer to (B/P) as a they." You shrugged it off and was about to look away when you saw their captain with a dark aura around him.
He gripped their heads tightly, "Don't you boys know that you should respect other people's wishes? If they want to use the pronouns they, then you should too, got it? Now get back to warming up!" He released their heads and they scurried off, scared of their captain. He then looked to you, put his hand up with all fingers down except for two and flicked it to the side. You simply smiled at the gesture and went back to warming up.

The game went by slowly. You were in the game the whole time and you were exhausted. You sat on the bench to cool down when the two boys that were whispering about you approached you.
"You got us in trouble with the coach!" The first one spat. It was strange, you didn't see him in the game.
"Yeah. We don't take kindly to those who get us in trouble!" The other one intervened. "Hey, you said that you didn't have a gender. That means we can punch you. No one will care because your different." You started backing up as they moved towards you, snickering. You weren't bad at fighting but two against one wasn't fair. You tried to look around them to see if anyone was there to help but it looks like everyone had gone to the showers. One of the boys raised a fist to hit you. Right as it was about to swing down on you at full force, a hand grabbed the wrist.
"And just what do you think you're doing?" It was the same fired up captain. You had heard his name in the game, Bokuto. It was strange you had seen him around school but even so, you were grateful for him being here to save you. The boys head snapped around in surprise. His face contorted to that of a scared child when he realised who was holding his wrist. He started to tremble.
"Leave. Now! Both of you leave!" They ran away before you could click your fingers. Bokuto offered you a hand as you were about to fall off the bench.
"I'm sorry about those two." He smiled. "Oh, how rude of me, I'm Kōtarō Bokuto. And you are?"
Your cheeks felt like they were a little hotter. "(L/N) (F/N)." You mumbled while looking down.
"How come I haven't seen you around? I know all of the third years." You giggled at this.
"I'm not a third year." He mumbled an 'oh' while scratching his lightly dusted pink cheeks. He was about to say something but his team mate called you him. He did the gesture with his hands again and walked away. You were curious.
That night, all you could think about was him. You didn't think you would see him again because you didn't talk to your Senpais so you simply went to sleep.
You walked into class and you were greeted by all of your friends. They all used your biological pronouns again and you were a bit tired of it so you went to sit in your own seat alone.
"You guys should really respect people's pronouns. How can you call yourselves their friend when you don't even respect them?" You perked up at this voice. There in the door way was Bokuto. He leaned on the door frame but pushed off it when you looked at him. He made his way to you.
"Go on a date with me! I promise I'll respect your pronouns." You blushed slightly. You've only known him for a day but what more could you ask for then for someone to respect your wishes. You nodded your head to say yes. His face lit up with a smile.
"Give me your address and I'll pick you up at 9 am on Saturday." You handed him your address on a slip of paper, he said bye and went to class. You couldn't stop thinking about the date the whole day. Needless to say that you were excited.
How was that? Wasn't too bad was it?

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