Chapter Fourteen: White Room - in the view of Eva

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When you are inspired by some great purpose, some extraordinary project, all your thoughts break their bonds: Your mind transcends limitations, your consciousness expands in every direction, and you find yourself in a new, great, and wonderful world. Dormant forces, faculties and talents become alive, and your discover yourself to be a greater person by far than you ever dreamed yourself to be.

- Patanjali

I saw Lucida, Max, Angelo, Alec and Jackson coming up the stairs,

"What's going on?!" were Max's first words, she kept turning her head, looking from me to the Chairman.

"Eva has come up with a theory she wants tested. I've agreed to let her do so." The Chairman answered,

"So what's happening?" Lucida seemed a little scared, I hoped she'd calm down otherwise she was going to crash.

"She's going to try lock-in inside the White room."

"What's a White room?" Max asked,

"It's in the school. Like quarantine for students who use their powers unwisely – that or they simply can't control them."

"I never knew we had a White Room."

"It hasn't been used for over 6 years."

"What was the last reason for its use?" Lucida wondered – at least she was calming down, visibly at least, but still the was no reply to her question.

"It's Eva's choice."

"I don't get it." Said Max.

"Let's hope you never do." I replied.

"Chairman, can you be at the room in two minutes? I'll meet you there when I can say my goodbyes."

"Goodbyes?" Lucida and Max both replied,

"Very well." He sighed and walked down the stairs.

"What do you mean by goodbyes?" Max questioned.

"The White Room is like a containment area, the Night Hunter views us as a threat – but not only that, he's able to use the powers of others."

"And you figure this how?" Max asked in a slightly raised voice.

"Go to my room. I've hidden my laptop, all you have to do is find it – enter the password and the Night Hunter's name will come up. I promise. But you can't stop the investigation then, keep it going – I have to be in that room for seven days to prove myself correct. At the moment – his identity is just a mere educated guess."

"Wait a second, what's the password?" Lucida asked,

"I can't say out loud. Just in case. So I just have to give you a clue: We three are one."

"That's it?"

"Yep. That's it. Bye guys. See you soon." I gave them both a quick hug and walked pass the boys then down the stairs – I know they'll be able to find my laptop, I know they'll figure out what the password is and I know they'll understand my reasoning for choosing this name above all names to be the Night Hunter.

It didn't take me long to get to the White Room, the Chairman was waiting outside with the key in hand. He seemed worried.

"Are you sure you want to do this?" He asked,

"I'm sure. The Night Hunter is using my power. I know it. This is the only way he won't know where to find me."

"If you insist. But remember, I'll have to lock the door after you go in, your food will be delivered through the shaft inside. The only reason for the door to open is if there is a fire or an emergency. I'll call Jenny for you to tell her what's going on. Anything else?"

"Seven days. I'll only be in there for seven days to prove my theory."

"What theory is that?"

"That my power is being used."

"How will you know?"

"Well. I'm thinking this person has to locate the power before using it. Everyone who knows where I am has been exonerated. So if students are killed, then my theory is a dud."

"Alright. I left a Ds Lite in there for you to play with – seven days can get boring without something to do."

"Thanks. But remember. I am not allowed to know anything about what's going on outside."

"Understood. Any preferences for breakfast, lunch and dinner?" I told him everything else he needed to know for the small stuff.

"Make sure you don't even tell the lunch lady who's in this room, okay?"

"Sure." He turned to the door and unlocked it, "Are you sure?"

"Absolutely. Never give up on something that you can't go a day without thinking about." My father used to say that to me. Only now I knew what it meant. Hearing those things at the age of eight or nine and it never makes any sense. He nodded and opened the door.

When they say white room, they mean white room. It was probably 4mX4m, white walls and ceiling and floor. A single bed in the corner and a small hole covered by a flap – that's where my food would be coming from. A single door that led into the bathroom, that was all. The thing that shone out beyond everything else was the black Ds sitting on the bed.

"Are you sure you don't want me to bring in a couple of books or something?"

"I'm sure. I got my medication, I have a Ds, my food comes to me and all my assignments are done anyway. I'll be fine."

"Do you want me to come and check on you once a day or something?"

"No. I need to be alone for seven days. Count them. If I want out, I'll call on the monitor." The monitor was next to the door right behind me.

"I guess I'll leave you then?"

"Yeah. That would be a good idea." he placed his hand on my back in a gesture of sympathy I guess and walked out, I heard the door lock. Now I was alone. I looked around – this was my room for seven days. It had been my room for longer. When I first arrived, the doctors recommended it for a while, since they had also kept me in a room similar.

I never liked the doctors for doing that to me. It was an accident that the doctor got his hand half burnt off. Not my fault at all. I was one of the two youngest in the Institution. Probably because most of them are actual criminals. I sat down on the bed, I was sure I was doing the right thing, if I wasn't – then maybe I was insane. Someone once said – sacrifice one for the many. I hoped my sacrifice wasn't in vain. I took the locket from around my neck and opened it in my lap as I sat down on the bed, this bed was hard – like a hospital or hotel bed.

"Now what? We're just going to sit here?" I.D sighed,

"Yes I.D. We've done all that we can. Lucida and Max can handle the rest, I know they can."

"We have to hope they can do it without us."

"They can."

"Are you so sure?"

"You know I am."

"True. But I was just asking you so that you know what you're thinking."

"I woman named Sophia Loren once said: Mistakes are part of the dues that one pays for a full life."

"You think you're making a mistake?"

"Yes and no. Being in here, I might end up doing a lot of harm, but at least it'll all turn out alright."

"You hope."

"I hope. Maxine and Lucida will finish what I've started. And together we will finish it completely."

"At least you have me to talk to for the next seven days."

"That's right. At least I came in here with comfortable clothing too."


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