Chapter Three: Potential Victims

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Be a student. Stay open and willing to learn from everyone and anyone. Being a student means you have room for new input. When you are green you grow, when you are ripe you rot. By staying green you will avoid the curse of being an expert. When you know in your heart that every single person you encounter in your lifetime has something to teach you, you are able to utilize their offerings in a profound way.

- Dr Wayne W Dyer

Another murder, could things get any worse? Today was Bianca and David's funeral, another great bonus. Note the sarcasm. Today was worst than the first day, because now, everyone felt like they would be next. Classes were cancelled for today because of the funeral, so I stayed in my dormitory and hacked into Linda Hamberstons account, I'm sure she wouldn't mind letting me find out why she died. I had a suspicion as to why, but it needed it to be confirmed because 'gut instinct' couldn't be put on a report. Unfortunately, my educated guess was correct. Linda died because of a boy on the other side of the school, Tristan Banks. I wonder if he was dead too? I pulled out a notepad from my mahogany desk and began writing down names across from each other, female to male.

Bianca Kendall and David Sery.

Linda Hamberstons and Tristan Banks.

Now what? Hack into every girls account and go through their e-mails? Suddenly the words of the Chairman came into my head, 'You need to start making friends, because right now, everyone fears you.' Hacking into everyone's account probably wasn't the best way to become friends with them, but saving their lives might. So I then pulled out a school list the Chairman once gave me for a reason I couldn't remember at that moment, and hacked into each person's individual accounts from the very beginning. Every name that had repetitive e-mails from the other side of the school I wrote down,

Alexandra Hole - Michael Lassa

Fiona Renaldo - Joshua Stanley

Patience Price - Duke Malaris

Trisha Ace - Greg Lauds

The list only had six couples down when I was startled by someone knocking on my door. I shut my laptop in case someone saw, but when I opened the door, Max and Lucida came in, the two people who could probably guess what I was doing even without knowing,

"Hey, Eva." Lucida greeted, they came in and sat down, obviously on the bed, I don't have any other chairs except for the computer one, which I was sitting on.

"We have an idea. Now try not to think it of making enemies, okay?" Max began,

"We hack into everyone's account, it'll probably take forever but-" I held up the note pad that I've been writing the names down and handed it to them. Then turned back to the computer and resumed my hacking.

"Well, you know what they say, great minds think alike!" Great minds? I knew someone that always said 'Best Friends think alike'. I haven't stayed in touch with that person, I haven't even spoken to them since I was sent to the Mental Institution.

"This list is just going to get longer, isn't it?" Max's voice pulled me out of my memory. "This is only going to get worse."

"More people are going to die before we find whoever's doing this." Lucida sighed,

"All because some people can't wait till graduation to get together."

"So what do we do? Wait till someone else dies? The school won't have any students left soon!" That's when I had an idea. Not one where I am completely sure it will work, but worth a shot.

"We need to tell everyone." I said,

"What?" Both Max and Lucida replied,

"Tell everyone they're in danger." I got off my seat and indicated Lucida and Max to follow. It was time to warn everyone of the danger they are in. On the way down to the cafeteria I wrote things down onto the pad I still had with me then gave it to Max. "Read it to everyone."

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