Chapter 9: Hung Up

Start from the beginning

"HE KISSED YOU?!?" she yelled and I instantly shushed her. "Yeah, but I pushed him away and then he got awkward. He apologized and left. I really don't know what to think of it." I wiped off the remains of the mask and sat up in the chair. "Did you like it?" she asked. "I don't know; it was weird." I sighed, remembering last night. It was hard to remember the exact feelings as most of them were masked by the terror I was already filled with. "Emma, it's a yes or no question." she said sternly, eager to get a straightforward answer. I sighed and got up from the chair, saying nothing.

~~~~~About 20 Minutes Later~~~~~

I really hadn't said anything to Marlee since she asked me that question. Truthfully, I was still thinking about it. We had finished our facials and had even gotten very relaxing massages. However, the room was as silent as it would be if no one was in there. We were now in the louder, less comforting salon area and were getting our hair done.

"Yes." I finally spoke. "What?" Marlee asked next to me as she waited for her hair to color. "Yes, I liked it." I chewed on my lower lip and played with my long, now straight hair. "Alright, then I guess we have a lot to discuss." she smiled, setting down the magazine she was reading. I turned in the spinning chair so I could face her properly.

"Why did you pull away?" she asked. "Because, it was weird. He's my best friend. We aren't supposed to kiss." she nodded. "Do you think he liked it?" she asked again. "I sunk back in my chair and rubbed my forehead. "No. I mean, he apologized and left. I haven't seen or talked to him since."

"Oh, Emma, he so likes you." she smirked. "What? No he doesn't!" I shouted at her. "Oh yes he does, I know boys and Louis is just like Niall." she spoke as her hairdresser came by to check on her color. "I'll believe it when he says it, but for now, I won't." I turned back around and picked up a magazine, signaling that I did not want to talk about him anymore. "Fine, fine, fine. Ava? Make sure you give her a hot cut, she needs to impress a man!" Marlee told her hairdresser and we all laughed. "I do not!" I yelled. "Fine, but at least trim those split ends." Marlee made a disgusted face and pointed to my hair. I picked up an end, oh, maybe she's right. We both laughed.

"So how are you and Niall?" I asked Marlee as Ava began to cut my hair behind me. "Great. He's taking me out to a nice dinner tomorrow. That's another reason why I needed to come here. I need to impress my man." she joked. "You guys are so cute. He's crazy about you, you know."

"I know. I'm crazy about him too. He's definitely the one." she blushed. "Aw! You have to invite me to your wedding!" I yelled at her. "Only if you bring Louis as your date!" she smirked. I was tempted to slap her, but I didn't want Ava to cut off a huge chunk of my hair by mistake. "Marlee, I can honestly say that I do not see that happening anytime in the future." I spoke about Louis and I. "Really? Cause I do! I see it quite well actually. You guys would be so cute together! And you'd get married and have little babies and.. ugh you guys are just so getting together, I know it!" she gushed. Wow, she was acting just like those crazy One Direction fans. Thankfully I get to hang out in the middle of nowhere where none of them can find me. As if they even knew who I was.

My hair and Marlee's were both finished at around the same time so we were able to leave pretty quickly. I had to admit to her that the spa was really relaxing and talking to her really helped. She drove me home and I was surprised when I saw my mother's car in the driveway. I had almost forgotten that she was coming home. I invited Marlee in and my mother greeted us both with warm hugs. Even if she's crazy, I missed her a lot. She was gone for weeks, who wouldn't miss this babbling psycho!

"Did you girls have a nice day?" she asked politely as we gathered in the kitchen. My mother had just gotten home and she's already cooking. Guess college apartments aren't for her. "It was great, Marlee took me to the spa." I smiled at Marlee and she smiled back. "I can see that, you both look great!" she spoke loudly as pots and pans banged around. "Okay well, I'd better get going. It was great hanging out with you today Emma, and nice meeting you Ms. Scott." Marlee waved while slowly leaving the room. "Oh, wait girls! I've got a surprise! It'll be just a moment, I promise!" my mother yelled and we both turned back around, taking a seat at the kitchen barstools.

My mother walked over to a pile of papers on the other end of the counter and pulled out a long, white envelope. She looked at it for a moment, then handed it to me. I took it cautiously and read whom it was from. I literally stopped breathing and had to reread it to make sure that it was really what I saw. "What is it?" Marlee peered over my shoulder. "A letter.. from Stanford." I spoke softly.

Carefully, I tore open the letter and found the thick piece of paper inside, complete with a Stanford emblem at the top. My hands were shaking, but I managed to stiffen them as I read.

            Dear Emilie,

            Congratulations! You have been formally admitted to the Stanford University School of Humanities and  Sciences in Stanford, California for the summer semester, 2013.

I read the rest of the letter, but said nothing as the two other women in the room awaited me to. I was in shock. I was accepted into the summer program. I was leaving for California in a week!

"So?" my mother asked from the other end of the island. "I got in." I said, rereading it for the tenth time. "Oh my goodness Emma that's amazing! Let me see it!" my mother snatched the letter out of my hands. I laughed as she beamed, reading the first few words and filled with complete joy. "That means you have to leave soon though." she said sadly. "How soon?" Marlee asked, looking concerned. "In a week." I said. "Fine, I'll just have to rush getting you and Louis to express your love to each other." she smirked. "What's this about you and Louis in love?" my mother raised an eyebrow and set the letter down on the counter. "Nothing, bye Marlee!" I shooed her away and heard her laughing as she finally went home.

"I like her." my mother said. Well of course she does, she likes anyone that wants to get Louis and me together. "I do too. She's really sweet." I nodded. "I'm glad you've made a new friend. Too bad you'll be leaving soon. What do you suppose you'll tell Louis?" she asked. Hmm.. what would I tell him? I looked out the window and saw his car in the driveway. He was home and now would be the perfect opportunity to talk to him. But I wouldn't do it. With things the way they've been, and adding in an awkward kiss, telling him that I would be leaving would just be weird. I'll hold off on that.

But never mind him, everything was working out perfectly. Life was about to get a whole lot better.

(A/N: Sorry this update took FOREVER! But thanks to my cousin, I actually wrote it! I literally had no ideas for how this would work, and then she came up with the spa idea and that fixed everything. So thanks Marlee! I'd also love to thank everyone out there bothering to read this silly, cheesy story. It's means a lot that you take time to read my work! I also love when you guys leave comments, good or bad, on my stories. I recieve a lot on Look After You (my other story) but barely any on this one, so please, comment and vote as much as you please! I'll try and reply, but if I don't, please try not to hate me I've been extremely busy lately. Until next time, later! xx -Katie)

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