chapter 3

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How is it that just by looking at a person’s face, you know exactly what they’re feeling? Is it because you’ve been hanging around them for a while, so you’ve become accustomed to their expressions, whatever it is they want you to see? Hell if I know the answer. All I knew was that when I took in Laura’s expression about a minute ago, I knew exactly what she was feeling. Heartache, sadness and fear!

“Don’t worry about it. Whatever it is, don’t worry.” I whispered in her ear as I enveloped her in a hug. I could feel her body shake as she let the tears fall from her eyes and all I could do was comfort her in any way I could. At the moment, it was in a form of a hug but anytime now, I knew I’d have to get her into a better mind frame so she could relax from whatever it is that was haunting her.

“Mum’s at the station. They need one of us to pick her up.” She finally explained, letting go of me and walking into the lounge room. I followed her, now understanding why she was sad and fearful. Our mother wasn’t one which could be described as nurturing and independent. No, she was always dependent on someone or something. Usually the ‘something’ was in a form of an illegal drug. I think she’s into cocaine now.

“Shit…” I trailed, not wanting to go down there again. It was beyond embarrassing now “…I’ll call John and see if he can take me down there.”

Laura didn’t say anything, not even when I explained to John why I needed him here. I asked him to bring his car as I didn’t want my mum to cause a huge scene if we’d have to walk back.

As usual, John told me that he’d be here in ten. That kid was something alright. I wonder what his parents are like. Do they care about him like normal parents should care about their children?

“Dan, I don’t want her back here.” Laura revealed. By the tone of her voice, I knew she was telling the truth. She honestly didn’t want her mother back here.

I swallowed the lump in my throat, refusing to look at her facial expression. “She’s our mum Laura. We gotta do whatever we can do to help her.”

“She’s a lost cause.” I shook my head at her words, not believing that that was the case.

“She just needs help. Maybe we can put her in rehab or something.” I never thought I’d be standing here, talking to my sister about putting our mother in rehab because truth be told, I never thought it would get to this point.

“You’re always talking to me about delusions. Maybe you should listen to yourself once in a while.” Laura left then, leaving me to myself for a few silent minutes.

I cursed aloud when I heard John beeping the horn outside my house. I mean, I didn’t expect him to be so quick to get me.

“I’m sorry Laura, but I have to pick her up.” I yelled from outside her room, knowing full well she could hear me through the loud rock music that she was listening too. I didn’t wait for her reply though. Instead, I jogged outside, shutting the front door on the way out.

“What’s got your panties in a bunch?” John teased, reversing out of my driveway and putting the car in drive.

“Just drive.” I directed, telling him to keep quiet for a few minutes.

I took out my phone, texting Michael, Brent and Jimmy if they’ve seen or heard anything unusual in the last couple of days. They all replied with a vague answer, so I’m just assuming they have no real leads on who the snitch is.

“A penny for your thoughts.” John quipped, taking a sharp turn when he saw the street light switch from green to orange.

“What’s up with the lines?” I questioned, tone suggesting that I was a little annoyed at the moment.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 30, 2011 ⏰

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