Chapter 21

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Logan's POV

2 weeks later...

Bringgg Bringgg Bringgg

Goraning, I blinked my eyes open, feeling for my phone on the table. Glancing at the clock on my phone, I saw the words 5:26 printed at the top of the screen in white. I pulled the phone closer to my ear and answered it.

"What do you want at five thirty in the morning Adam?" I snapped. I was pretty much sleep deprived the last two weeks. Ignoring Emily was the hardest thing I had to do in my entire life, and as much as my mind pushed me to go talk to her, I kenw I couldn't.

"Bad news or good news first?" to my surprise, he didn't sound drunk, meaning that he was sober, and he was up to something.

"Good" I stated simply, anticipating the answer.

"Well, apparently, somehow, I don't know how, but Joseph Dufon is not in the state we thought he is" I frowned in confusion. What the fuck is that supposed to mean?

"Adam I don't have time for riddles at five thirty in the damn morning" I growled, rubbing my eyes, I seated myself on the bed, my sleep long gone. Again.

"Well, it means that Joseph Dufon is alive." I froze. That's impossible. I tried to form words, but nothing was formed. How is that even possible? No way.


"Well that's where the bad news comes in" he started "Apparently he is being hostage in the lair of our biggest enemy"

"You mean..-"

"Yes, I mean Deklan. I don't know the reason behind it yet, but I know that his death was a set up. They shot him with a dose of Adenosine, which probably made people think that he was dead. Other bad thing is, there is no way we can save Joseph" I gulped, trying to digest everything that had just been revealed.

"Why not?" My anger was rising and plans were already starting to form in my head.

"Well, he is kept in this sort of cage that is secured with high technology that I cannot possibly get through. Only one super computer exists that can break through that type of security and they have it." I shut my eyes in frustration and clenched my fists.

"We will find a way" I managed to say through gritted teeth. There was a minute of pause before he continued.

"You do know that you have to tell her right? I mean, this is her brother" I thought around his comment. As much as I hated to do this, I had to agree. She had a right to know. She had a right to be happy again. And now that I knew that her brother was still alive, I was going to get him back, I was going to make her happy. One way or another.

"I know. I'll tell her" I hung up, placing my phone back on the bedside table.

I knew I had to tell her. But how was I supposed to do that. How do you break such news to someone? I had to sleep it off. And that's exactly what I did.

Emily's POV

A sudden knock appeared on my office door.

"Come in" I ordered, before returning my gaze to the computer screen. The door shortly opened and my secretary walked in; a notepad and pen in her hand.

"Sorry to disturb you Miss Dufon, but Mr. Miller is asking for you right away" then, she left, shutting the door behind her.

I froze. I hadn't seen Logan in two weeks, and to be honest, life wasn't that bad. After waking up the next morning and reading his note, I knew that it was time to end this chapter of my life, maybe not so much anymore. I had explained the truth to Larissa, and she seemed fine with it, and after that I hadn't seen Logan. Anytime I would try contact him, even to thank him, he would ignore me and walk the other way. After a week of trying, I gave up. But now, I had to see him again. And he was the one calling me. Maybe I shouldn't go. Oh yeah, great idea dummy, he is your boss.

I pushed my thoughts out of my mind and forced myself off the chair, taking slow and small steps out my office. I tried to delay the even as much as possible, but that wouldn't help me escape reality: that I was going to see him again in a matter of minutes and communicate with him through words. Clicking the button on the elevator keypad, I visualised the doors close and my heart started racing. Somehow he still had that effect on me, even after hurting me. What could he possibly want to talk about after so long? I didn't want to know. I was doing just fine without him, enjoying my single, dangerfree life. But life has a way of dragging me back to the start. The doors to the elevator opened and I advanced towards the sleek black door at the end of the passage.

I lifed my hand, and very softly knocked on the door. My heart was still sprinting and I wanted nothing more than to turn my back against the door and run away. But I wasn't a coward.

"Come in" I heard his deep voice penetrate the door. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath, calming my nerves, and with a new found confidence, I pushed the door open.

He was seated on his chair, coat on the back of his chair and sleeves folded up, looking as hot as- NO! STOP RIGHT THERE! His amrs were crossed and he was clearly expecting me. Once he caught my eye, he smirked, unfolding his arms. I blushed under his gaze and my legs trembled at the mere sight of him.

"Mr. Miller, you asked for me?" I started, wanting to get the awkwardness over with. My gaze still remained on anything other than his own orbes.

"Miss Dufon, take a seat"

Oh boy, this was going to be long...


I'm back with another chapter!!! I know it's not very long but I still hope you guys enjoyed it! Chapter thoughts?? Future predictions?? Comment below and tell me what you think!!

Picture of Emily's office to the side--->





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