Chapter 14

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Emily's POV

I had literally never felt so nervous in my entire life. My back was pouring litres of water and my hands were fidgeting with the hem of my sweater. I was walking alongside my boss/kidnapper/criminal/ "boyfriend" towards his private jet that was going to take us to my family Christmas dinner in Chicago. Why I didn't fight Logan on this? I don't know. But right now I regretted the decision very much. Mixing a a French and Spanish traditional family together was not a happy Christmas. Especially not when you drag in boyfriends or in this case "boyfriend" into it.

A few moments later, we arrived the jet and a few men dragged our suitcases towards the plane, a short staircase was waiting to be stepped on as I scarily continued advancing towards them. Logan went in before me and had a quick word with the pilot before seating himself on the comfort leather seat in front of me. And by that I mean, right in front of me.

"Are you sure you want to do this? I mean my family really is not a scene people want to see" I blurted feeling a bit insecure under his heavy gaze. He shrugged before replying.

"Is there a problem with your family?"

"No! It's just that... well... when you mix two traditional French and Spanish families the outcome is really... embarrassing." I commented.

"It'll be fine" He said before bringing out his phone and texting. What's got his panties in a twist? I suddenly thought. He was a bit different. Not physically, but the somewhat slightly nice Logan had disappeared and in front of me was a rude, arrogant and cocky man just like the first time I had met him. A slight pain flinched in my heart, but I ignored it, focusing my gaze out the window watching the world pass by as we made our way towards the most embarrassing night of my life.


"¡Ah mi niña! Welcome welcome. You must be Logan Miller. I am Leticia Dufon, Emily's mother." (Translation: Oh my girl!) My mother said at the door in her very thick Spanish accent.

"Hello it's nice to meet you" Logan said, shaking hands with my mother as she guided us inside the house where the rest of my family lay. Instantly a chorus of 'Emily's!' exclaimed in the room due to my presenece. I fake smiled, walking side by side with Logan to introduce him to the rest of my family.

"Emily, nunca me dijiste que tenias un novio. Pero bueno, ¿qué tenemos aqui? Madre mia que guapo" (Translation: Emily, you never told me that you had a boyfriend. Oh my, what do we have here? Dear god, he is so handsome) My aunt Patricia said from beside my mother. She was my mother's sister, and an exact replica of her. Just like my mother, she also was a embarrassing chatterbox. "Hello, my name is Patricia, I am Emily's aunt" she said shaking his hand.

"Logan Miller, nice to meet you" he said once again, showing full respect towards my family. Pushing through the totally awkward introduction with my aunt, I walked past all my other Spanish family up to my dad. My dad was French, but he was less embarrassing than my mother. Or so I thought.

"Salut Papa" (Translation: Hello Dad) I greeted him. Immediately, he embraced me in a hug greeting me back. His eyes then roamed behind me to Logan's intimidating figure. "Dad this is Logan... mon petit-ami" (Translation: My boyfriend)

"Logan Miller, pleasure to meet you." He greeted, shaking my father's hand.

"Adrien Dufon, Emily's very protective father. I must warn you son, if you ever hurt my baby girl-" I cut him off, not wanting to make the situation even more awkward than it already was.

"Dad, why don't we go have dinner. Abuela has made paella"

"Of course darlilng" my father said walking ahead, leaving me and Logan alone.

"I'm so sorry about that. Trust me, my grandmother is worse" On cue, my grandmother entered the scene.

"Emily cariño" (Translation: Emily darling) My grandmother startled me by saying from right behind me, making me jump slightly.

"¡Abuela! ¿Qué tal estas?" (Translation: Grandma! How are you?)

"Envejeciendo por el minuto. ¿Cuándo van a llegar mis nietos?" (Translation: Getting older by the minute. When are my grandchildren going to arrive?) I almost choked on my own spit and her request. The thought of having kids with Logan was somewhat... tempting? NO! Nevermind. Logan looked at me from behind still not understanding a word she said. Thank god.

"Abuela ya vendran-" (Translation: Grandmother they will come-)

"Dinner is ready!" my mother announced from the dining room door making me sigh in relief. We walked into the dining room, the grand plate of paella in the centre of the table. I took a seat next to Larissa and Logan took a seat on the other side of me. Slowly we dug into our food eating away the delicious food my grandmother had made. I had more maternal family that paternal, but I was happy with that.

Dinner mostly consisted of small talk between my family and Logan and I. But when my family arrived a certain question asked by my stupid cousin Diego, I was left without words.

"So Logan, how did you ask her out?" I choke on my wine, almost spitting the whole thing out.

"Diego-" I was about to stop him when Logan interrupted me.

"Well, I met Emily for the first time in the elevator at my company and she was absolutely gorgeous. So I found out who she was and one day I started talking to her. Eventually I got all the courage in me and took her to my very special location and asked her out. And she said yes." He explained briefly. His lair being his very special place. I thought rolling my eyes mentally. His words made my heart clench slightly in excitement but I managed to shake it off abruptly. I didn't want to know what would happen if I was dating Logan. It was far too complicated and wrong on every level. Thankfully, the questions about us stopped after that all through dinner.

Logan's POV

Dinner passed quickly and I was thankful for it. Awkward questions about our "relationship" were posed and I wanted nothing more than for all of them to be true. But I remembered giving myself the word of returning to being the cold hearted and ruthless Logan I used to be. Looking ahead of me, Emily was seated in the living room next to me. Her cousins and her watching the television screen attentively as the football players kicked the ball along the muddy grounds.

"Vamos Cristiano ¡chuta!" (Translation: Come on Cristiano shoot!) She yelled again at the television screen. I had no idea what she was saying but I knew she supported the team Real Madrid. Even though I hated to accept it, her Spanish accent was hot as fuck and it definitely was a huge turn on.

"¡Que va a ganar el Barça!" (Translation: Barcelona is going to win!) Her cousin, Diego commented.

"Que no idiota, va a ganar el Real Madrid. ¿Qué te apuestas?" (Translation: No idiot, Real Madrid is going to win. How much you bet?)

The ringing of my phone brought me out of my thoughts and I picked it out of my pocket, answering it.

Before I could hear the voice though, the sounds of Emily screaming-

"¡Gano el Real Madrid! ¡Toma ya!" (Translation: Real Madrid won! Yay!) erupted through the room and her smile somehow made me smile like a complete idiot.

So I walked out of the noisy room to answer the call properly.

"Hey Austin, is everything alright?" I asked him.

"Logan, we found Draco. He's in Chicago"


There you goo!! Thoughts and comments??? Future Predictions?? Sorry about all the Spanish but I hope the translations were useful:)

Picture of Emily's parents to the side--->





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