"Even with your wolf hearing?"

"Oh yeah! I forgot I had that!" He said. He tightened his arm and pulled my closer to him.

I groaned loudly. "Luke, seriously. Knock it off."

"Why?" He laughed.

"Cause I don't want to."

"Want to what?" He knew perfectly well what. The jerk wouldn't let go.

"Luke, so help me..."

"Oh come on." He said, his face getting closer to mine.

"Luke, no." I said, struggling to push him away when he was this close.

A loud bang outside made him stop. I pushed him, hard, into the fridge. "Stay away from me." I said through my teeth.

"I'm not sure if I can Chloe." He said.

"It's not my fault you fell for me." It felt awkward to say it out loud. "Stay. Away."

"Chloe-" He started to move closer, but stopped as soon as the black door shattered. All the glass was no one the floor in tiny pieces. I screamed and jumped back a little.

I walked over to the broken door, careful not to step on any glass. I had a feeling it didn't fell good on bare feet. I tilted my head to see out the door, but it was too dark to see anything. A heard a bush move and I started walking back.

"Hello?" I called.

Alek stepped through the hole in the door he made.

"Alek! What are you doing?!" I was half relieved it wasn't a hunter, but half-scared because he came back after Julian threatened him.

"Well, earlier, I walked away." He said. "And then I got to the forest and stopped. I turned around and you were gone. I came back to see if you were alright, but I went to the door and I heard you yelling at someone. Something about waking up from a dream. Then I waited until someone said something. And I heard this chump over there," He pointed at Luke, "Say 'How bad would it be if we killed him just for the heck of it?'. So I knocked on the door. Sierra opened it and she told me to stay away from you, with a list of numerous reasons why I might add.

"Then that other guy showed up and told me that if I ever came back, then something bad would happen to me-"

"Well, I think that could be arranged." Luke said, starting to walk towards Alek.

"Luke." I said, pulling his shoulder back.

"Julian's the one who set the rule." He said, his eyes watching Alek, who just stood there.

"Yeah, but I have power over him and I'm telling you to leave him alone." I ordered. He walked back to the island in the kitchen, jumped up and sat on it.

"Sorry." I said with a small smile.

"Its fine." He stuffed his hands in his pockets.

"Why'd you break the door? You could have just knocked on the front door." I pointed to the door.

"Well, I figured everyone was sleeping and I didn't want to wake up that one guy."

"So you break a window?"

"No. I broke a door." He smiled.

"Kill me now." I heard Luke's thought. I turned and shot him a look. He got up and said, "See ya."

"He botherin' you?" Alek said, his narrowed eyes followed Luke out of the room.

"Not anymore." I said, smiling.

"Chloe!" Julian came running in. He picked me up and threw me over his shoulder.

"Put me down!" I punched his back over and over. "Julian what the hell are you doing?!"

"Hey man, put her down." Alek said in front of Julian.

"Get out. Of my house." He said through his teeth.

"This is your house?"

"Technically, it's mine." I said.

"Not now, Chloe." Julian said to me.

"What going on?" Sierra said from the bottom of the stairs, her hair in knotted bunches all over her head.

"Sierra, help! Tell him to put me down!" I called to her.

"Julian, put her down." She said exhausted.

He grabbed my waist and pulled me off him. When I was on the ground, I walked over to the island and sat down on it just as Luke had.

"I thought I told you never to come back." Julian said to Alek.

"I had to." Alek replied.

"Why? You know that you are going to get hurt by the end of this."

"I just had to make sure she was okay." They continued their conversation as if I weren't even here.

Julian shoved him back. "Stay away from here. You'll just end up hurting her."

"You don't know that." Alek shoved back.

"I do for a fact." Julian said, I could tell he had a smirk on his face.

"Oh yeah? How's that?"

"Cause she'll never be able to kiss you."

His eyes turned to me. "Why not?"

"Because-" I started, but then looked at Sierra. I couln't tell him. She had to. "Because I just can't."

"Alek, we're werewolves." Sierra finally admitted.

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