Prom Proposals

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Elena's POV
"Elena, wake up, I don't wanna be late for school today." A male douche yells as he pulls the blanket off me. I slowly open my eyes to meet a pair of crystal blue eyes.

"Ughh, what happened? Are you on your man period today?" I ask him.

"No, I just need to ask someone special to prom today." He tells me.

"OMG! Who is it?" I ask, jumping out of bed.

"Bonnie Bennet." He admits shyly as I continue screaming.

"Aww, Isn't that cute." I say.

"So, anyone asked you to prom yet?" He asks me.

"No, I'm still waiting. I actually don't mind going or I might not even go." I say.

"Come on Elena, all the boys drool when you walk through the corridor. I bet one of them will man up and ask you out." He tells me.


"Well for someone to ask you out, you need to be at school. Get changed, I'll be waiting downstairs and be quick." He says, walking out the door.

I throw on a grey sweater and jeans as I tie my hair in a messy bun. I grab my phone and bag as I walk out the door and make my way out.

"Where is Caroline and Stefan?" I ask Damon.

"Stefan got his bike fixed so he decided to ride that to school with Caroline." He says.

"Oh." I sighed.

Stefan's POV
I got to class and looked around for Elena.

"Who you looking for?" Caroline asks me.

"Uhh, Damon." I say.

"So, who are you asking to prom?" She asks me as she traces my tattoo with her finger. I wish I could say Elena but...

"Miss Caroline Forbes, would you like to be my date from prom this year?" I ask her.

"YES!" She screams as she leaps into my arms.

"Ahem, good morning love birds!" Elena says as she taps my shoulder.

"Uhh Elena, Hi!" Care says.

"So I assume that Stefan has just asked you out to prom." Damon says as Caroline nods.

"So everyone's got a date?" I ask and Damon and Elena slightly giggles.

"What's wrong?" Care asks.

"I just asked Bonnie Bennet but Elena has no one." Damon chuckles.

"Hey, I don't mind being a single pringle." Elena giggles. We all walk into Biology and see a huge poster made out of candy bars for Elena.

'Elena, I love you to Reese's Pieces & the times we've shared were Good & Plenty. I was thinking of asking some other Sugar Babies but they turned out to be Milk Duds. I searched across the Milky Way but only found Runts and Nerds. My night would be worth 100 Grand if I could go with a SweetTard like you. So would you be a Life Saver and go to prom with me?'

"So, would you like to go to prom with me Miss Gilbert?" Klaus asks as his head pops out the corner of the poster. Ugh! I always knew he had a crush on her.

"Yes!" Elena says and Klaus gives her a big hug.

A/N: Hello, wizzyme109 here! I know that I haven't updated my bit in ages and I'm sorry! Hope you enjoyed this chapter. bitchdoe is gonna be writing the next chapter so I'm excited. Till next till next time...BYEEE!


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