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Elena's POV
Ugh. I must have ate something really bad last night. I can't stop vomiting so I decided to call Caroline for girl support.

~The Phone Call~

E: Hey Caroline, can you come over?C: Uh, I have a lecture that lasts and hour with Damon. If you want I call call Stefan and ask him to check on you and when this stupid lecture is done, I'll be on my way with Damon. What's wrong anyways?E: I think I had something really bad last night and am puking. Tell Stefan to get some Advil. My arms feel like they are about to fall off. I would tell Jeremy to get it but he's having a tough time and Jenna's out of town.C: Sure will do Miss Gilbert. Stefan will be there soon OK?E: Thanks Care, your the best.C: I know right. I gotta go, I'll text Stefan. Bye! Take Care!E: Thanks. Bye.~End of Phone Call~

Ugh. I decided to go on Netflix and catch up with 'The 100' while I wait. After I finished an episode, I heard the doorbell. I quickly got out of bed and opened the door .

"Are you OK?" Stefan asks me as soon as he enters the house.

"I don't know. I feel like my arms are going to fall off, I'm going to faint any second and I'm puking." I say with no shame. He's that friend I can be open to about anything and I love being around him because of that. I've had this crush on him since kindergarten but never told him. Over time, I just learnt how to hide my feeling till one day they just disappear. He carried me bridal style and tucked in bed. He got the temperature machine and measured my body temperature.

"39.4 C, Oh god. You have a high fever. You should be taking care of yourself Elena." He yells as he goes down stairs. In about a minutes, he comes back up with a tray that has a bowl of water and ice in it, a towel, a glass of water and Advil.

"Here take this." He says, passing me a pill and the glass of water. I just stare at the pill and don't react.

"Oh. How could I forget. Little Miss Gilbert can't swallow pills. She need in to be crushed and dissolved in water." He said in his lame baby voice as he grabs a spoon and starts crushing the pill to dissolve in the water on the spoon.

"Hey. I'm not a baby Mr Salvatore, I just don't like big pills. I buy the liquid Advil for a reason." I say in a manly voice. He brings the spoon closer to me and feeding it to me. I quickly grab the glass of water from the tray and drink the whole glass. He places his hand at the back of my head telling me to lay down and close my eyes. I feel a cold towel on my head helping me sleep better. I hear footsteps of someone going out. I quickly reach for Stefan's arms.

"Stay." I say as he walks back towards me and lays down right next to me placing his hand on my waist. I feel a shiver on my spine as it sends me to sleep.

Stefan's POV
I lay down right next to her. I know it's not right. I'm with Caroline now but how can I deny whats right in front of me. I love Elena, I always have and I always will. I hear the doorbell and rush downstairs hoping Elena wouldn't wake up.

"Hi babe." Caroline yells. As she gives me a huge bear hug.

"Shh. Elena's sleeping upstairs. She had a really high fever." I inform the both of them. Damon widens. I watch him run upstairs as I follow him and so does Caroline. I watch him bend down till his eyes are lined with hers. He gave her a quick kiss on the lips as we watch her flick her eyes open.

"Hey. You OK?" He asks her. As she slowly get up, Caroline went back down to make us some soup.

"Where were you Damon? When I needed you the most?" She asks Damon making me curious about what she was talking about.

"What are you guys hiding from me, what are you talking about." I ask both of them.

"You have to tell him. This is gone too far." Damon tells Elena.

"Tell me what?" I ask.

"No, I can't ruin it. Damon please don't" Elena begs.

"Soup's ready" Caroline screams from the kitchen, ugh she always as to ruin everything. Damon helps Elena get off the bed and walk down the stairs. I decided to follow them behind. I wonder what they are both hiding and what would it ruin. Life just got complicated really fast. I took a seat next to Caroline and Elena sat next to Damon.

"Elena, are you feeling better?" Caroline asks her.

"Uh. Yeah, I'm feeling much better than before. Thanks," She says awkwardly.

"Did Stefan treat you well?" She asks with a smirk on her face. I chocked on the soup and started coughing. Damon came up to me and gave me a big wack on my back instantly making me feel better.

"Yeah... I guess." She replies

"Well that's my boyfriend for you!" She says as I hide my face under the table out of embarrassment. Sometimes I just can't believe that I said yes to her. I look at Elena's face turns red, but not from blushing but from sickness. I decided to ignore it. We all finished our food and decided to watch The Final Girls. To be honest it was not that bad. *Glass break* We heard something break so we ran towards the kitchen just to find Elena laying on the kitchen floor which pieces of glass all over the floor and blood coming out of her head. Damon ran beside her lifting her up and placing her on the sofa, Caroline was too busy screaming so I quickly grabbed the land line and called 999 for help.

A/N: Hello people! There it is. I wonder what Elena and Damon were hiding from Stefan... Anyways bitchdoe will be writing the next chapter so... I can't wait myself. So till next time... BYEEE!


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