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I walked into my house, it feels good knowing I'm back home. I missed everyone and knowing the fact that my family missed me, warmed my heart. I hated hospital, always had. I guess it's because my parents died. I always feels like hospital always have death vibe--people die is what I'm trying to say. I always feels cold and just unsanitary, it creeps me out. I'm just glad I'm home where I can sleep on my own bed.

The minute I opened my house door, I got startled by the amount of 'welcome home'. I placed my hands on my heart, breathing heavily. Jesus Christ.

"Oh god, you scared me" I said placing a hand on my forehead as the room was filled with chuckles. Aunt Jenna greeted me with a big hug, you can tell she was worried about me. I could feel the tiny droplets of tears hitting my shoulder.

"It's okay, aunt Jenna. I'm fine," I try to soothen my voice, I broke out of the hug and looked at her as I reassured her, I'm fine.

Alaric took aunt Jenna in his arms as he gave me a small hug and welcomed me back, it feels good to be back. I also gave everyone else a hug. Damon wouldn't even let me go, Caroline gave me a small warm hug and Stefan gave me a hug, it felt good to be in his arms. The hug was mixed with emotions and selfless. My cheek rested on his shoulder, savoring the moment.


Aunt Jenna had to go to some places and doing that, she bought my favorite food, Mcdonald. She got some chicken wraps and fries and from a corner store she brought 2 bottles of Soda.

The kitchen table was filled with Laughter, Caroline and Stefan were having their own conversation along with Jenna and Alaric. Damon thought it would be cute if he feed me, although I refused multiple time, he wouldn't take no for a answer. He shoved fries into my mouth, and kept feeding me. I couldn't process just yet, until I pulled away. I decided to do the same thing, grabbing his chicken wrap. I shoved it in his mouth, her eyes widen and I heard a contagious laughter coming from the table. My eyes landed on Stefan...his laughter made me laughter as we both started teasing him.

"Want some Ketchup with that?" Stefan chuckled making Damon scowl at him.

"I'm fine" he said with his mouth full.

After we all finished eating, I was doing the dishes, when I went to living room, I see Caroline talking to aunt Jenna and Alaric about God knows what and then I see my two favorite boys; Damon and Stefan. They seem to have a conversation about whatever. I grabbed my coat about to leave until someone spoke out.

"Need some company?" I turned around and saw Stefan, staring down at me. I was about to say sure. But Damon also asked,

"Or I can accompany you?" I managed to giggle, I was going to ask for Stefan because...I haven't really spent time with him and although Damon and I are really like really close, some part of me longed for Stefan company but Caroline spoke up

" Take Damon because I need Stefan" Caroline said, I just simply nodded. A part what Caroline said made her sound quite rude, but nonetheless I complied. I got to admit, I was kinda sad.

"Okay...come on Damon" I chuckled as he rushed up and came to me.


Damn, I really wanted to hang with Elena, but Caroline spoke to soon. What did she exactly want?

"Uh..babe, what did you want? " I asked

"I didn't want you to leave me" she tells me "can you hold me?" Seriously??

She wanted to hold her?


Damon and I continued to walk, we never been this silent before and it makes me think...he has something in his mind

"Tell me" I blurted out, turning around to face him.

"What?" He looked confused

"You have something in your mind...spill" I cross my arms making him chuckle.

"Why did you tell me you like Stefan?" My eyes widen

"You know what, forget about it" I said looking away as I begin to walk but Damon stopped me.

"No...you asked, answer" he tells me, I groan. Why now.

"I don't" I firmly tell him but he doesn't believe me,

"Sure you don't...Elena I saw...took me some time, but I noticed until today...why didn't you tell me" he pushed further

I grabbed his shirt pinning him up, hard. "You tell anyone or even him, I'll kill you, literally" I tell him, he gulped and nodded.

"Okay" he raised his hands up in surrender "Why didn't you tell me?" He asked. I sigh, and continued to walk.

"Can we talk about this some other time, I don't want to talk about it." I truthfully tell him, I tried to hide my feelings...it was gone until today...it just magically came back. I don't like this, care and Stefan are my best friends...i can't do this to both of them. It isn't fair.

A/N : well, Damon found out and Elena didn't denied so...What do you think will happen next?

The next chapter will be updated by @wizzyme109 and I can't wait to see what she has next.

Until then,

All My Love.


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