Harry started the engine and headed in the direction of our date. His free hand rested on my thigh while I looked outside in hopes that I would finally figure out his idea.

"What are your theories?" Harry eventually asked, trying to make conversation.

I shrugged. "I seriously have no idea. I imagine a picnic because of the blankets, but I think there's more to that," I explained. "But you're heading the opposite way from the park, so I'm not so sure anymore."

He seemed satisfied with my answer, a smirk hitched on his lips. "Picnic, uh?"

"Yeah, am I close?" I questioned, too curious to wait the minutes separating us from our destination.

He shrugged, looking at me with devious eyes. "Is that what you want? A picnic in a park?"

I shook my head. That's not what I wanted no. A picnic in a park was too classic. A picnic in a special place maybe, but not in a park. Somehow I expected more out of this date. Harry had made such a big deal about it, even if dating was supposed to take the pressure off, that it had to be more than that. Thinking about it all week meant that I now had high expectations.

"But a picnic would be great too," I said quickly, in case it was what he had in mind.

He laughed softly, knowing exactly why I had added this. "We're almost there."

I looked ahead and saw the road in front of us. The sun was slowly coming down, casting a warm light on us and I closed my eyes, comfortably enjoying the warmth of the sun and Harry's hand on my thigh. I reached for it, carefully enveloping it between my hands.

"It's time for you to close your eyes now," Harry mentioned, shooting me a quick smile.

I grunted and let go of his hand. "Are you being serious?"

He nodded. "Yep, keeping it a surprise until the end," he explained.

I grumbled a little, so that he would know that I wasn't completely happy with it. Although his little secrets excited me, now I really couldn't wait until we were there.

So I played along, kind of. I put my hand over my eyes, but I couldn't help but to peek through my fingers from time to time. I didn't get much though, a few streets names, buildings I had seen a few times before, nothing that really told me where we were, until I caught a sign with the word "marina" written on it.

A small gasp escaped my lips once I felt the car slow down; he was taking me to the marina. When the realization settled in, I felt Harry's hand move along my legs and I knew I was busted. I did my best to close my eyes properly, for real this time, even if Harry knew that I had cheated. Then leaned my body towards Harry's so that I could lean my head against his shoulder. He turned his head to press a kiss on my forehead and I knew I was forgiven. Still, I mumbled a soft "sorry", just in case, and heard him laugh silently in return.

A few seconds later, the car came to a full stop. My heart started beat a little faster with excitement and it became hard to stay still.

"We're here," Harry announced. "You can open your eyes."

Immediately, my eyes shot open. In front of the car was a small road leading to rows of boats. I enthusiastically sat straight and looked at Harry. "We're going on a boat?"

His only answer was a nod, but it was enough for me to smile widely. I hadn't gone on a boat in ages even if it was something that I really enjoyed. Harry seemed satisfied with my reaction. He undid his buckle and opened his door. I followed promptly and walked to his side of the car where he had opened the backseat door to retrieve the duffel bags.

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