12. Daddy's Girl..

Start from the beginning

"How do you know they won't wanna know their donor sooner? What do you tell the kid if they ask for their daddy at age five? Oh you have to wait thirteen more years to see your father, I mean donor because he'll never play that role"

"At the end of the day I never said my decision was for sure. And if I chose a donor to father my next child that's my business and only mine. Now you can excuse yourself from my bedroom, goodnight"

"I didn't mean to make you mad or offend you-"

"Oh believe me, you didn't. I'm just done with this conversation"

He got up from the computer, grabbed the pillow and blanket I gave him and left the room without saying anything else.



I held Zari's hand as we stood in the kitchen staring into the pantry looking for an early morning snack. I slept on the floor in her room because Zahara told me I couldn't sleep on her couch. It's for sitting not sleeping, I could have gone in the guest room. But she forgot to mention she has clothes everywhere in there, it's basically a room and a closet.

"What do you want little mama?"

She pulled on my hand and stood on her tippy toes and pointed to the chocolate chip cookies. I took them down and closed the door, she smiled and waddled over to the refridgerator. I opened it up and filled her cup and my glass up with cold milk and grabbed the cookies. I placed my finger to my lips and told her to shh.. and she looked at me like I was crazy but I'm assuming she got it because she started copying me.


"Yeah shhh, we can't wake up mommy"

I handed her the little pink cup and we tip toed into the living room where the tv played an episode of one of the little shows she likes. I sat her on the couch before sitting down myself and placed the blanket over the both of us. Once I opened the cookies I handed her two and took a few for myself.


"No, let her ass sleep" I covered my mouth and shook my head. "My bad, I meant let her sleep.. okay?"

She nodded and laid her head on me and sipped her milk after each bite. She eats just like Zahara, loud and has to take a sip after each bite.

"Do you want the whole neighborhood to hear you eating cookies?"

The look on her face was priceless, I never noticed how much she looks like me. This has to be what everyone was talking about and not once did I catch on. I honestly didn't see the resemblance until today, it's her eyes.

"You know I'm your daddy right?"

Her big brown eyes lit up and she smiled from ear to ear, I helped make a beautiful ass baby. I didn't even want kids but I ended up with a daughter and for some reason I'm kind of happy I have her. I never thought I would actually slip up and make a baby. But the day has come and I'm now a father, who would have thought I'd be the one to get someone pregnant. Knowing I was constantly saying I wasn't having any kids, I don't even like kids that much but I love my baby.

"So.. what's your favorite color?"

She looked at me and took a bite of her cookie as if I hadn't just asked her a question. And then I remembered the fact that she's only one. I reached into the bag of cookies and held one out so she could take it."Oh yeah, you can't talk yet. Here just have another cookie instead"

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