"What's wrong bubba?" Liam kept his eyes focused on the ground.

"Something isn't right. Everything fells so different." He sounded so serious when he spoke. He leave left sight of the floor. "Liam, what are you talking about?" I asked him. I honestly didn't know what he was talking about.

"It's not the same! Niall is gone! Cassie and Niall are hiding their feelings! Niall refuses to come here! Dani is acting all weird! Zayn is acting as the glue that keeps us together but that was me job! I am failing at my own Job. Harry I sneaking around with Macy, acting like we don't notice! Cassie is going over to Jason's all the time now." thanks Liam.

"You are what!?!?!" Harry yelled at me staring at with his huge eyes. "Shhh Harry don't be rude let the poor talk. Continue Liam" Harry rolled his eyes at me in response.

"Well Anne is never home, she is always at work. And Niall calls me every freaken night and talks, and talks about how much he wants to be with us but he wont come here! Lou is always on the phone and its never like this. And Gemma doesn't talk to me! And Cassie is always trying to hide stuff from Harry and-" 

"Again I say...You are what!?!?!?" 

"Harold! Stop interrupting! Liam, you were saying?"

"No I'm done." Liam lifted his head from the floor for the first time. "I am so sorry guys. I just had to get that off my chest."

"Liam it's okay. Im sure some of us feel the same way too. I mean yeah Gemma doesn't talk to us that much anymore, but she has been busy with school and stuff. And Anne is always gone because of work but she told us that would happen when she took that job. And Louis is always on the phone with his family. And probably with El. But its because he misses them. About the thing with Jason, that was my mistake. No one could have prevented that. It happened because I was stupid. And Danielle, well she I s acting weird because, she is on her time. She told me that, so sorry. And most importantly, you aren't failing at your job. You are just distracted. And that is okay, Cause Zayn is always there. But honey, you aren't failing if anything you are only climbing higher up the latter. And if you are falling, we will be there to pick you up so you can continue."

Liam turned to me and wrapped his arms around my waist and gave me a big hug as he placed his head on my shoulder. "I am sorry, and thank you" he whispered in my ear just before he pulled away from our embrace.  " Now since it is my day off from work, we have planned a day full of fun. So, you go get cleaned up and get ready so we can leave in about an hour or two."

"Okay." Liam replyed, Everyone started to walk out of the room. But when I went to go leave Liam grabbed my wrist and looked me straight in the eye. He had tears in his eyes that were about ready to fall. The poor boy cracked. He couldn't hold it in anymore.


"Yes Liam?" 

"Cassie...He still loves you. You need to call him. I am not kidding. You have to. he has to know that you love him back. And don't you dare say you don't. I can see it in your eyes, Cassie. He has to now." Liam shocked me with his words. I couldn't believe what  was hearing. 

"Okay." That was the word that I could fix to come out of my mouth. Liam let go of my wrist and got up from the bed and went to go take a shower.

When I walked out of Liam's room Harry was standing there looking at me. He was leaning against the wall with one leg crossed over the other and his arms were crossed.

"You didn't fall down the stairs did you?"

"Yes and no."

"Cassie what the f*ck is that supposed to mean? Did you fall down the stairs and hurt your cheek?"

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