e p i l o g u e

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[hi, how are you guys? :3]

e p i l o g u e

3rd Person's POV

It had been around two months, since Niall and Harry had come out.

Harry had to admit, that he was quite scared on what was going to happen but to say he was shocked was an understatement.

People congratulation them, girls cooed at the adorableness of the couple - the only people who didn't like their relationship was Luke and Calum.

But hey that's only Luke and Calum.

Once they had came out their relationship had gotten better, Harry hardly felt any insecurities like he had before. Everything he thought about his relationship with Niall, Harry can only laugh at now because of how wrong he was.

Niall also became happier and the feeling of being alone, can only be described as a past feeling for him. Even though Luke and Calum did leave him, Niall still had Harry, Liam and now even the rest of the tiny group. So he wasn't really alone at all.

However to everyone's surprise their group gained two more: Michael and Ashton. Who still considered Niall as a friend, even after what Luke and Calum had done to them.

Overall, everything had gone better than planned for Niall and Harry. Also things with Ed went better as well, he was now out of his bet with Josh, which was a huge relief for the three of them.

It happened on the same day Niall and Harry had came out, when Josh had marched up to the groups table, demanding the money Ed supposedly owed him. But he sure got a shock when he noticed Niall and Harry walked into the canteen, their joint hands swinging in between them.

A week later Josh had payed Ed money for winning the bet, finally leaving the group alone but, also learning not to make any more bets with a drunk Ed Sheeran.

Today, however was the last day before the Christmas holidays, and there was another plan up the groups sleeves.

"Okay" Niall grins, rubbing his hands together "Everyone understand the plan?"

Everyone, except Zayn nodded "What if he says no?"

Ed rolls his eyes "Your asking him on a date, not to marry you"

"I'm just worried, what if he doesn't like me that way?" Zayn sighs, quickly averting his eyes to the floor.

Liam threw his arm over Zayn's shoulders "You shouldn't be worried, I know my friend and I see the way he looks at you"

Niall's eyes flicker behind the group, to where Harry was walking with Louis "Right you ready?" He asks Zayn, placing a hand on his shoulder.

Zayn's head spun around quickly spotting Louis and Harry, who were not too far away.

"Can I back out?"

Ashton quickly grasps Zayn's arms "Of course not, you are going to turn around with you head held high and ask your boy out on a date. Got it?" and before Zayn could respond, he pushes him forward.

Zayn gulps, taking a couple of shaky steps towards Louis, but quickly looked back at his friends - who just smile and gesture for him to carry on.

The boy finally stands in front of Louis, placing his shaking hands behind his back and crosses his fingers for good luck.

"Hey Louis can I talk to you?"

Louis looks up, to see Zayn, standing before him. His eyes widen not even noticing Harry walk off, in his mind he was alone with Zayn "S-sure"

Zayn slowly placed his arm around Louis' waist and began walking further away from their friends - who were wolf-whistling and cheering at the pair.

Even with Zayn freaking out on the inside, the boy didn't fail to miss the blush appearing on the smaller boys cheeks.

They finally reached a isolated quiet area, behind the college grounds. Where Zayn thought would be appropriate to ask Louis on a date, and was far away from their nosy friends.

"Um-" Zayn chuckles nervously, rubbing his hand on the back of his neck.

Louis looked at him, shyly "W-what did you want ask me?" The question coming out nearly at a whisper.

"Oh yeah" Zayn chuckles again.

Damn this was hard.

"I want to ask you something, but please don't think of me any different-"

Louis looked up at Zayn, concerned "What's wrong?"

"-And if you say no, please can we still be friends"

"What the hell are you talking about?" Louis mutters, at the same time Zayn asks him on a date.

Louis mouth dropped, not expecting the question to come out of Zayn's mouth "W-what?"

Zayn gulps "Sorry I didn't mean it"

Louis' eyes narrowed "No, no, no what did you just say"

"Sorry I-"

Louis just shakes his head fondly, he was pretty sure he misheard Zayn. As if he would ask him out. "No before that"

"W-will you go on a date with me?"

A massive smile spread across Louis' mouth "W-wait are you s-serious?"

Zayn nods, a smile also forming on his lips.

"I would love to" Louis grins as he jumps onto Zayn, the said boy only just about catching him in time.

The two boys both go to lean in, when they heard a quiet squeal and a shushing sound, which stopped their actions. They both turned their heads in the direction the sound came from, just about seeing their friends watching them from behind some bushes - with Ed recording the sweet moment with his camera.

Zayn sent him a funny look, which the ginger-haired boy shrugged off.

"For the memories"


The epilogue! Sorry about the shitty excuse for writing, I need to edit it but I said I would post this ages ago and felt bad, so here you go..

hi, so this is basically the end of Operation Narry, I hope you've like it! I've actually enjoyed writing this short story and I'm actually thinking I should do another soon, or whenever I get an idea..

P.S - go check out phone book boy (that's my new story), or any of my other stories.

P.S 2 - sorry for the long ass authors end note, I'm gonna go now..

Edited. (08/03/16)

~ Becky x.

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