f i v e

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[I'm really shit at updating, oops]

f i v e - Crush.

3rd person's POV

*a sneaky two month time skip*

Louis groaned, rubbing his fingers against his forehead. "It's been nearly two months and we've got nothing"

"Louis, we've gotta give it time" Liam mumbled, nervously playing with his fingers.

Liam never told Louis or Ed about Niall liking Harry, in fact he didn't tell anyone. He made a promise to the boy and after seeing Niall so happy after he had told him, Liam decided to keep it a secret.

"We have given it time, nearly two
months of time Liam" Louis argued, now glaring at Liam.

Ed sighed "He's right Lou, it's not like it will take two weeks and bam their together"

"I know" Louis grumbled "I guess I thought since it was easier in the beginning, it would of been easier in at the end as well"

Ed patted Louis back "Just because it's easy doesn't mean it's going to be easy all the time. Some times it's are going to be easy but other times it's going to be difficult. You've just got to go with it"

Louis lets out a chuckle, rolling his eyes at him "When did you become inspirational?"

"Two seconds ago, now let's go" Ed quickly picked up his bag, swinging it over his shoulder, Liam and Louis doing the same.

The boys left for college taking Liam's car, seeing as they were running a little late. They arrived with five minutes to spare so the three quickly bid farewell, and head off to their classes.

Liam silently slid into his seat, as the late bell rung throughout the college.

"Alright class we're working on a group project and before you get carried away on picking your groups, I will be picking them" Groans sounded from the class, as the teacher revealed that she was picking the groups.

"I'd rather have the projects done thank you, now.." The teacher rambled out names off her list and people moved from their seats to sit with their groups.

"Niall Horan, Liam Payne and Harry Styles"

Everything went silent as everyone's attention was now directed to the group, seeing what Harry and Niall would do.

Niall huffed, rolling his eyes at the class. He quickly picked up his bag and took a seat next to Liam.

Harry slowly copied Niall actions and sat opposite to Liam and Niall.

The tension in the room had risen, the class watching the pair carefully.

Niall groaned, clearly annoyed "Would you stop with the fucking staring" He snapped.

Immediately the class turned their attention away from them and back to their teacher.

She coughed awkwardly "..Well, these projects are to do be done in class" The teacher slowly began walking around the classroom handing out the project sheets "It's in for two weeks Friday"

The rest of the class began working on their projects, talking quietly among themselves.

Liam quietly looked between the pair, coming to to conclusion that Niall was one heck of an actor if he could completely ignore Harry like that - not forgetting Niall's crush on a certain boy.

It was going smoothly, that was until one of Niall's friends -who were on the table next to the group- made a snark remark about Harry.

Harry opted to ignored them rather than to confront them, knowing nothing good would come from making a snide comment back.

"Well just look at him, everything just screams faggot" Calum sneered, laughing along with the little group.

"Yeah an ugly ass one" Luke taunted, directing his attention to Niall "Don't you agree?"

Niall lifted his head to meet Luke "Um.."

Niall wanted to say that Harry was the most beautiful and flawless person to walk this earth, however he couldn't. The boys were his only friends, apart from Liam of course. Sure they were dickheads to his boyfriend, well if they actually knew that - they think he hates Harry just as much as they do.

Which was true until a year ago, when they both got detention for a week due to them fighting outside the headmasters office; which was a bad move on both their parts.

While the pair spent their time in detention, the boys became quite close and things basically took off from there.

However ever since then Niall was just too scared to tell them about him and Harry, knowing they'll probably ditch him for being a 'faggot' as they like to call it.

But in fact, Niall knew he was slowly losing Harry just because of his cowardliness to his friends. He needed to sort this out and quick, if he wanted to keep Harry - but he just didn't know what to do.

"Niall, dude?" Luke called causing him to jump "Sorry you kinda spaced out"

"Oh.. Yeah, sorry about"

"So" Luke dragged out the 'o' way longer than it had to be "Don't you agree"

"Yeah I guess" Niall shrugged, completely forgetting what the question was about, but it didn't take long for Niall to remember it though.

Harry had ran out the classroom as soon as Niall had said it.

"Looks like the faggot has a crush on Niall" Luke taunted, while Calum just laughed.

Niall just stared at the door that Harry had left though, immediately raising his hand.

"Yes Niall?"

"Can I be excused"

The older lady raised an eyebrow but shrugged "Fine, but don't take too long"

That's all Niall needed, before he literally ran out the classroom after Harry.


So put at little info in about Harry and Niall, also a little about Niall's reasons? - I don't know.. Anyway hope you liked it!

Edited. (09/02/16)

~ Becky x.

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