P r o l o g u e

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3rd person POV

"How in gods name is that going to work?" Liam groaned, dropping his head down onto the bar counter.

Ed turned to look at his distressed friend "What you mean?"

"You just made a bet with Josh saying that we could get Harry Styles and Niall Horan together by the end of the college year"

Ed nodded like an excited puppy "We can"

"You do realise that they hate each others guts right?"

"Do you want to know what I believe?"

Liam stared at his friend in disbelief, before rolling his eyes "Alright, what do you believe?"

"I believe that the pair hide their feelings by hating on one another" Ed stated proudly, holding his empty glass in the air.

"Go home Ed ya drunk" Liam joked, laughing at his best friend; who was sat pouting like a three-year-old.

"When I win this bet and I will" The red-head shot a glare at his friend "I deserve an apology" He huffed, turning around and asking the bar tender for another drink.

Liam just laughed at his delirious friend "Which won't happen"

Ed took a sip of his pint and turned to Liam "Just you wait and see, Operation Narry is a go"


Hey huns! Here's the prologue for Operation Narry :)
Please vote and comment your feedback. Thanks!

Edited: 2/2/16

~ Becky x.

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