t h r e e

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[hey, update time!]

t h r e e - One jealous Niall.

3rd Person's POV

The boys walked to college together making quiet small talk as they went, their hands secretly intwined with the others.

But just like every morning, to Harry's disappointment time seems to fly by as the pair find themselves by their tree; the place they depart from each other every day, so they don't get seen together.

Coming to a stop, Niall gently tugged the younger boy towards him, making sure to keep their hands locked together as his thumb slowly traced over the back of Harry's hand.

Harry awkwardly smiled at his boyfriend, while using his spare hand to pull his bag strap further up his shoulder.

"Your so awkward" Niall chuckled as he gazed over his boyfriends perfect face.

Harry shrugged, averting his eyes to their joint hands hanging loosely between them.

"Hey" Niall frowned "I'll see you after class yeah and I'll make sure to hurry, don't want to keep you waiting" He grinned, raising his spare hand to push a strand of hair away from Harry's face.

"I know it just.."

Niall tilted his head to one side, giving the taller boy a confused look "Just what H?"

"Nothing" He answered quietly, not wanting Niall to delve any deeper into the subject.

"It's not nothing Harry, what's wrong?"

Harry looked down, only to have his head lifted back up by Niall.

"It's just all of this, pretending to hate you and stuff" He quickly trailed off, noticing Niall's understanding expression.

"I know and I'm sorry, it's just my friends you know what there like" Niall quietly replied, slowly letting go of Harry's hand.

Harry lightly smiled "Yeah they don't like me that much"

"They don't hate you Haz" Niall mumbled jokily, everyone knew for a fact that they despised Harry and Niall knew he couldn't do anything about that.

The said boy just laughed, playing along "Oh but they do, however will I get them to like me"

Niall shook his head trying not to laugh at his boyfriend silliness, however he then caught a glimpse of his watch.

It seemed time was never going to be on the boys side, as he only had ten minutes to get to his first class. The blonde sighed, now becoming serious "I have to go H, we'll talk more about this when we're at home I promise"

Harry nodded, humming as Niall pulled him in for a kiss "I love you"

"I love you more Ni"

Niall shook his head "I doubt that" He slowly looked back at Harry one last time "Bye babe" The blonde called over his shoulder, waving as he walked off toward the campus.

"Bye" Harry smiled, as the other boy disappeared around the corner.

Harry shoulders slumped in defeat as he sighed inwardly. Another day of ignoring him, pretending that he hated Niall, Harry didn't know if he could even do this anymore-

He felt a hand grasp his shoulder.

"You alright mate?"

He jumped at the voice, only to see his best mate - the only person who knew of his and Niall's relationship besides their families.

"Yeah, I'm fine Zee"

Zayn rolled his eyes at his friend "I know you Harry and you're not fine"

It was now Harry's turn to roll his eyes "I'm fine-"

"It's about you and Niall isn't it?"

Hearing Harry sigh, Zayn's knew his assumption was right "Talk to me brother"

"It's just.." Harry ran his hand through his longish hair, ruffling it slightly "Another day of ignoring him and pretending to hate him I-"

"You can't do it anymore?"

Harry nodded.

"Then just come out H-"

Harry mouth dropped "Zayn you know I can't, I'm not ready. I love Niall I really do, but you see how they treat-"

"Harry slow down, your working yourself up about this" Zayn placed both his hands on the boys shoulders, in an attempt to calm him down "If you don't want to ignore Niall, then how about start to be more friendly towards him and then let the rest follow?"

"But his friends"

"What about his friends?"

"You know" Harry huffed, rolling his eyes at the thought of Niall's friends "They basically hate me and are homophobic"

"Fuck his friends Harry, don't let them get in the way of things between you and Niall-"

"You know, four months isn't that long"


"I can wait-"


"My names not Harold" The boy glared at his black-haired friend, before rushing off to his first lesson.

"Why do I even bother" Zayn muttered to himself, quickly following the footsteps of his friend.


"Pst Harry"


Harry bit his tongue, he didn't want to be noticed or even acknowledged at this precise time, and here someone was trying to annoy him.

"I will call you Harold if you don't turn around" The voice spoke again.

The boy sighed "What do you want?"

Louis smiled "Can we talk for a second?"

"Sure?" Harry looked confused, but sat down anyway.

"I think there's something you should know.." The older boy trailed off, to add more effect to his fake gossip.

"And what's that?"

"There's a rumour about you and Niall Horan going around-"

"What?" Harry pulled a disgusted face at this information.

Louis mentally smirked, he literally could see right through Harry's actions "Yeah I thought I should warn you just incase anything kicks off"

"What's the rumour about Lou?"

Louis leaned closer to whisper the fake information into his ear "Apparently someone caught you two making out in the boys bathroom"

Harry looked at the boy skeptically "Who?"

"Luke Hemmings"

Louis moved away from the slightly shocked boy and looked across at the blonde who was sending him a death glare, while balling his fists under the table.

Louis wanted to laugh, it was so obvious.

He quickly stood up, watching as Niall left the room. "I just thought you should know, see you around Harry"

"Yeah see you" He grumbled, looking down at his phone before rushing off the same direction as Niall.

Make Niall jealous [✔️]

Louis grinned, checking it off in his mind.

To Gingerbread, Limabean: Operation Narry is a go!


Sort of cute but not quite sure about this chapter. Anyway hoped you liked it!

As always please comment/vote, love to read you guys feedback!

Edited: 3/2/16

~Becky x.

Operation Narry ≫ N.S ✔️Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora