I roll over on the blanket and bang my head on the floor.

Yes, we made a pillow fort, and yes, it kicks ass.

"What are you do-"

"Mitch loves you! Are you seriously that blind?" I cry out and want to smash my face against the floor again. Or his head. Both could work.

"He- What?" Scott stammers and looks at me, shocked.

"Man, you really are that blind." I mutter and turn to him, sitting up. "Mitch Grassi loves you." I repeat slowly.

"Mitch Grassi loves me?" He echoes slowly and softly before raising his voice. "Mitch Grassi loves me." He grins and jumps up. He grabs my forearms, pulls me up into a hug and starts spinning me around. "Mitch Grassi loves me!"

I laugh and hug him. "Mitch Grassi loves you." I repeat.

"You know what, Lar?" He asks, putting me down, and I smile at him, silently telling him to continue. "Scott Hoying loves Mitch Grassi as well."

I grin. "That's great! I always knew Scömìche would happen."

He grins but it slowly fades. "He's going out with Travis....."

"That just means you have to act quickly."

"What do I do?" He says seriously and plonks back down into he ground and I sit next to him.

"Plan something so amazing he'll have to say yes to going on a date with you." I state and he nods slowly.

"Okay, I think I have a plan, but what about Travis?"

"I'll handle Travis, you handle Mitch." I say and look at the time on my phone, ignoring the texts from the rest of the members -- they know we're having a bonding time -- and glance at Scott again. "I think we have enough time to watch 5 movies consecutively."

He grins. "Lion King?"

"Lion King." I confirm and he starts playing the movie on his laptop.

*・゜゚・*:.。..。.:*・'(*゚▽゚*)'・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・*

I yawn as I sit up and look around at my surroundings. I see pillows, popcorn, phones, blankets, a laptop which is silently playing the main title of Mean Girls, more popcorn and Scott. I rub my eyes and yawn again.

I grab my phone but sigh when I realise it's flat. I grab Scott's phone and, glancing at him, I click the power button. A picture of him, Mitch and I pops up, along with the time and two notifications. The time gets ignored when I see it's a text from Mitch.

Mitchy <3:
Travis broke up with me :(

I grin and place Scott's phone back in its original place then shake his shoulder softly. "Scott..." I mutter and am surprised at how croaky my voice is. I shake his shoulder again. "Scott..."

"Beyoncé?" He mumbles.

"No, it's Satan." I growl and he sighs, rolling back over.

"Go back to sleep Lar." He mumbles into his pillow and I pout.

"How'd you know it was me?"

"I recognised your voice." He yawns and sits up. "Morning. What time is it?"

"I dunno. My phone's flat." I watch him reach over to his phone and busy myself with picking up loose popcorn.

"Lar," He says excitedly and grabs my wrist. "Travis broke up with him."

I pretend to look shocked. "Really? Why?"

"I don't know," He unlocks his phone and sends a quick text to Mitch. "I said that I'll meet him in his room."

"I'll clean up here." I say and he shakes his head.

"I'll help, it was both our faults anyway." He states and starts picking up the popcorn while I grin at the memory.

"I bet you can't throw popcorn into the air and catch it in your mouth." He dares me.

"Challenge accepted." I must've gone through three handfuls of popcorn before I got one in. "Yes! I did it!"

Scott laughs and shakes his head. "We've got a champion here!"

"Yeah, that was pretty funny." I chuckle and so does he.

"Sure was."


Awkward ending.

Expect slower updates for a while so I can get back on top of updating.

I also have another main book so that takes up time as well, considering it's almost finished, so please be patient.

Thank you for reading and


but only if you want to.

Stay awesome.


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