16- Roundoff

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The next day, I took all of my cheer gear out of the back of my closet and put it on for the first time in a year. I bring it all with me to my first intramural cheer practice, unsure of what to expect. When i walked into the gym, I saw a small group of ten or so girls, ranging from college student to someone Emmi's age. I find the woman that looks like the coach and walk up to her.

"Hi, are you the coach?" I ask and she nods. "I'm Avia Butler. I recently signed up for intramural cheer and today is my first practice."

"Oh, you're Avia!" the woman says, sticking her hand out to shake. "I'm Coach Turner. I have a schedule of practices for you to have. We hold a performance twice a year, but performing is optional. Are you willing to perform?" I nod. "Great! Now if you're ready, you can line up with the other girls and warm up."

Coach Turner is very cheerful and very excited about all things cheerleading. I couldn't help but be optimistic in her presence, and I was happy about that because it was the one thing keeping me from bolting out of there. The other girls wouldn't stop looking at me, and I was sure that the younger ones were talking behind my back. When they found out that I used to be on the varsity squad, they scowled. When they learned I was a flyer, the scoffed. None of them had ever been on an official team or done any complicated moves. By the end of the practice, I was almost positive that I wouldn't be coming back next week.

"So, to finish, let's practice our flips!" Coach Turner squealed. I followed the other girls to the trampoline. "Why doesn't our new girl go first? Show us what you can do."

I climb up to the trampoline, nervous to find out what I can do. I start at the end of the area, preparing for what will hopefully look like a roundoff. I run, flip, and...

"That was incredible!" Coach Turner yells. I had done a simple roundoff back handspring.

"I used to be able to follow that with a backflip. I used to be so much better." I say. I'm disappointed in myself.

"You'll get there, I promise." the coach says.

"I'll be able to do it soon." I make a promise to my coach and myself. "In a few weeks, I'll nail it."

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