5- Trouble

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As soon as I shut the door behind Eli, I'm bombarded by my mother.
"This is unacceptable, young lady." she says. "Walking away when I am talking to you, sneaking out of the house, coming home late at night, and eating bagels in the morning with a strange boy? What is going on?"
"I'm sorry, I..." I try to speak, but I'm interrupted.
"No going out on the weekends, or ever, for at least a month." my mother yells.
"But Mom! Gavin goes out all of the time!" I protest.
"Your brother has a 4.0, Avia. He's captain of the soccer team and has polite friends. He's proved to me that he's responsible. You have not. Until your grades are up and you have proven to me that you can handle your responsibilities, you are grounded. This means school, home, and church only." I groan when she mentions church. I haven't attended in six months. What's the point?
"And who is this Eli kid, anyways?" Mom asks, interrupting my thoughts.
"I met him last night and he drove me home. Scarlett picked me up and I needed a ride back." I lied.
"Did you know him? Does he go to your school?" I shrug.
My mom gasps. "You let a strange boy drive you home and then come over the next morning? Do you know how stupid that is?" I roll my eyes at her and she huffs. "I'm done. I'll let your father deal with you."

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