2- Party

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I pull my car into the side of the road in front of Jack's house, 20 minutes later than I promised Scarlett I would be there. The road is crowded with cars and people- students from my school, college kids from Idaho State, and some people I don't recognize. I lock my car and start walking towards the house. I don't even make it ten steps before I'm bombarded by Liv.
"Aviaaaa!" she says, dragging my name out. "Finally. Everyone's here already. Including," she giggles, "Carter Lawrence!" I smile. Liv knows that I've had a crush on Carter Lawrence since freshmen year. He's a senior this year, captain of the football team, and has green eyes that make me as lost as the forest that they take their color from. Liv leads me to the kitchen, where a large mass of teenagers are gathered by the fridge, including Scarlett and Jack. I say a quick hello before scanning my eyes around the room, looking for Carter. I finally spot him on the loveseat in Jack's den. Alone. I squeeze my way through the crowd of people and sit down next to him.
"Cheerleader Avia." he said, taking a sip from his plastic cup. "Never thought I'd see you at one of these parties." I swallow hard. I quit cheerleading after the winter season sophomore year when I met Scarlett and was introduced to the world of popularity, boys, and parties. Apparently Carter hadn't been paying that close attention to me since then.
"It's not Cheerleader Avia anymore." I say with a sly smile.
"Oh, more adventurous now, huh?" he laughs. I nod. "Well then, what do you do now, Not-Cheerleader Avia?" He scoots closer to me. I can't believe that this is happening!
"Well," I respond, "I don't know. Whatever people want." He leans in closer to me, and I can smell beer on his breath.
"Is that so?" he turns my face with his hand, and before I know it his lips are on mine.

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