6- Texts

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I have to have a 3.5 gpa and be involved in one club by the end of the semester. That's the deal that I made with my parents. It wasn't ideal, but far better than any other options. I still get to keep my phone and my computer and I can have friends over as long as my work is done. I can still go to Carlie and Jackson's or Casey and Kayli's, if I soul ever want too. Overall, it's a fair deal.
I'm lying in bed, letting the exhaustion from last night and this morning wash over me when I get a text from a random number.
'vlog= video blog. told you i would do research.' Eli.
I pick my phone up and respond. 'so you did. what'd you find?'
'you were a pretty cute seven year old.' he answers. So he found the shaytards. I'm not upset, the vast majority of people at my school know about my dad's job. I was never bullied for it, it's a part of me. Or it was.
'aha, so you found my secret. i'm surprised that you didn't know before, everyone at school does.' I text Eli.
I get a response immediately. 'well, that would be because i have only lived in pocatello for two weeks...'
'really? so that's why i had never seen you. where from? why? why idaho?'
'all shall be revealed shortly.' he texts, 'i'll see you at school."

Avia, ActuallyWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt