14- All About Avia

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"Okay, wait." Jordan laughs as she speaks, "she really slapped you over a Barbie doll?"
"Never underestimate my sister's love of Barbie." I say. "It was intense." It was lunch; and Jordan, Eli, and I were sitting behind the school. Jordan and I had instantly hit it off. It was easier to talk to her about things, for some reason. We've hardly paused to take a bite of our lunches since we've started. Eli's sat in silence, smiling at the fact that I've found a friend.
"So what do your parents do?" She asks suddenly. I narrow my eyes.
"I don't think that anyone's ever asked my that up front before." I reply, hedging away from the question.
"That's because I've heard about you." Jordan says. "I've heard a bunch of rumors about you."
I sigh. "Of course you have. Well then, you already have your answer, don't you?" Jordan nods. "Is that why you agreed to eat with me?" I ask.
"Dude, of course not. I ate with you because you seem chill. I really don't care who your dad is, or what he does. I want to hang out with you because you're Avia."
"Wow. Nobody's ever said that to me."
"Really? You need better friends." She leans over at Eli. "Sorry."
He shrugs. "I didn't know what Youtube was until two months ago. I never had the opportunity to tell her that." Jordan nods.
"Is it really just the two of you who eat back here?" She asks, looking around for other students. There's a girl sitting on the other end of the building, her nose buried in a book.
"Yeah, pretty much." I say. "Eli saved me from my terrible ex-friends and now we're alone together."
"Yeah. They tried to turn me into a person that I'm not and overall were just terrible people. I had to be perfect to be in their group. Eventually I realized that this was not who I wanted to be. So I'm in the process of becoming who I want to be."
"And who is that?"
"Someone who's involved with her family. Someone who tries hard in school. Someone who has nice friends. Someone who is a good person. Someone who works for her dreams." Eli squeezes my hand.
"Well, I hope you make that happen. I'm happy that I could be of help. Getting you nice friends, and all." She laughs.
"You are not nice!" I yell at Jordan, laughing. "You called Carter Reynolds a seaweed!"
"Seaweeds help the environment in someway probably! That's nice!" We collapse in a pile of laughter. Eli rolls his eyes.
"How am I supposed to deal with both of you?"

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