1- Avia, Then

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My phone lights up with a text from Scarlett. "meet at jack's in 45, k?" I immediately jump up, excited to finally have exciting Friday night plans. Scarlett's boyfriend, Jack, has been visiting family for the past three weeks, and since he normally plans things for our group, the past few weekends have been spent in with Scarlett and Liv in my basement, eating popcorn and gossiping. It was fun and all, but I yearned for excitement. I quickly type my response and run into the bathroom I share with my brother, Gavin. I swipe on some red lipstick (my trademark), draw on eyeliner, and iron my dark brown hair into corkscrew curls. I change into a short party dress and run up the stairs, ready to leave until my mom stops me.
"Avia?" she calls out. I stop dead and turn around. My mother has her hand on her hip and a piece of paper in her hand. "What is this?" she asks. I shrug. "It's your report card from last semester." she answers for me. "This is unacceptable, Avia." I squint at the paper in her hand and see a mass of D's and C's.
"Sorry. I'm just not good at school." I say, shrugging my shoulders.
"There's a difference between not doing well and not trying. Your grades freshman and sophomore years were so good! What happened?" I shrug again at her and turn around. "Where are you going?" she yells, but I ignore her. I head for the front door and am about to open it before a little blonde head gets in the way. Emmi.
"I wouldn't go out, if I were you. Mom's really mad." She looks down at me (because my 14 year old sister is actually taller than me) with a stern face.
"Get out the way, you little brat." I shove her to the side and head out of the door, headed to Jack's house.

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