10- My Older Brother

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It takes me about three seconds before I realize what I'm doing and pull away. I look at Eli. The twinkle in his eyes is gone. So, before I can think about anything else, I get up off of the wall and run.
I run through the back door of the school and straight into the bathroom; just like at that party on Friday. I lock the stall door and sit down on the toilet seat, breathing heavily. I ruined everything with Eli. Things were going so well, and I had to go and ruin it. I expect myself to cry, but no tears come out. Instead, I just put my head into my hands and breathe. Someone walks into the bathroom and, instead of walking into a stall, knocks on mine.
"Avia?" a boy's voice said. My heart plummets. Eli. But then my mind clears and I realize that that voice doesn't sound like Eli at all. It's my brother. I unlock my stall door and push it open.
"What are you doing in the girl's bathroom?" I ask Gavin.
"I saw you run in. Is something wrong?" he replies. I shake my head and he narrows his eyes. "I know that's not true." he continues, "You need to stop hiding things. I know that your life isn't perfect. I know you, Avia. What happened?"
I take a deep breath. "Remember that guy that brought bagels on Saturday morning?" I say.
Gavin nods. "Eli, right?"
"Yeah. Well, we met on Friday and hung out today and I kissed him and ruined everything."
"Did he say that?" my brother asks.
I shake my head. "No, but I know that I did." Instead of responding, Gavin grabs my hand, pulls me up, and engulfs me in a hug. I haven't felt his hugs for so long, but they still feel familiar.
We don't speak for a while as he hugs me. Then, all of a sudden, he pulls away. "Wait, you hung out with him today? What happened to Scarlett and Liv?"
"It's a long story..." I begin.

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