Chapter 6

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A/N: before i start this chapter i want to say thanks to all my followers expesially mtlover girl and katie_siemens. And i'd like to thank all my 52 readers thanks so mutch! And thanks for my 15 votes aswell. Also for being so nice i recomend you read mtlovergirls books and aslo katie_siemens books and smooseys books and buzznuts books they are verry good writers aswell so ya thanks again everyone enjoy this chapter and continue to





Bridgets P.O.V

As me and Lilly are walking back to my house we take turns reading over the paper.

"Its so creepy" says Lilly

"I know why is what i keep asking why sutch a little girl?"

"I know and to think im living in that house it just scares me"

"Anytime you want just come over" i say


We are almost at my house when we see flashing lights.

"Whats that?!" I yell over the noise.

"I dont know!" lilly yells back. Our walking turns into a run as we approach Lilly and my house. Then i see fire trucks

"Lilly dont panick" i say calming her down

"No!" She says running "mom! Dad!" She screams Lilly runs around asking questions to the fire men .

"Lilly they dont have time to talk just let them do their job" i say comforting her. Lilly sobbing hugs me and i dont even care if im getting soaked from her crying. We wait and watch the fire men taking out her parents from the house fire. Her mom and dad come out on stretchers and the paramedics emidiatly take over. I hold her back as she struggles to get to them.

"Its gonna be ok"

"NO ITS NOT!" she yells between sobs. I hug her and she hugs me back we watch as her parents are taken away in the ambulance. I take her inside where my parents are sitting at our table looking all upset. When they see me and Bridget they come over straight away hugging me. I cry too i dont know why its not my house that just got burnt down or my parents that are in the hospitol probly struggling to survive. But i cry out of sympathy out of sorryness for Lilly. I see her sobbing on our coutch shaking . My parents go over to her and try comforting her aswell.

"Bridget i think Lilly's going to have to stay with us tonight" says my Dad.

"Okay" i say walking upstairs. I grab Lilly a change of clothes and a sweater and put them in the spare bedroom on the bed. I change the douvét and walk back downstairs with the sweater.

"Here "i say handing it to her "put this on". Lilly takes it thanking me and i show her where shes going to be sleeping. I also give her a pair of my PJ's and she leaves with them to the washroom to change. She comes back and gets in bed right away sobbing into the pillow.

"Sorry about your house and .... " i trail off when i was about to say 'parents'.

"Its oo-o-ok?" She says it sounds more like a question but i let it pass. My mom comes up with a steaming bowl of K-D and a piece of whole wheat bread and butter. Lilly thanks my mom then my mom leaves. I watch as Lilly shakilly eats her lunch or supper whatever it was. The whole time i stupidly just sat there not even saying a word. She finishes and i take it from her bringing it downstairs. I see her snuggle under the covers tring to sleep. I go outside and just stare at the burnt down house. I dont know when but Lilly ends up beside me staring up at her now burnt down house aswell.

"To think that all our stuff all my stuff is all ruined and all i have left is me my parents my resent clothes and my phone" she says between sobs. I openly offer her a hug but she refuses going back into the house. I follow i take one last glance at the house before closing the door i lock it. I look for my parents but their not downstairs. So i walk upstairs and look in their bedroom there they were trying to sleep. I crawl in bed with them and they hug me.

"Its ok" they say over and over again to me but i just keep crying even though i dont have a good reason to. I gather the courage to go try and talk to Lilly but when i go to the spare bedroom shes already asleep. I close her door aswell walking to my bedroom. I check my phone but i didnt recieve any messages. So i turn it off and change into my PJ's a pink lace tank top and some PJ shorts with palm trees on them. I hop in bed and pull the covers up to my face. *poor Lilly what will happen tommorow?* i think. Then i slowly let sleep takover and lead me to another day.

A/N: LOL funny story. Today i was hanging out with my sister and i said to my sister that i used to drink as fast as a whale! Get it? Cause all whales do is just open their mouth and swallow cause they live in water! Lol so funny! Get it now? Oh and has a dog ever licked your toes? well my dog did and it tickles!Any way hope you guys liked that chapter enjoy next one and as always please




And keep reading!


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