Chapter 14

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Lillys P.O.V

Today is the day i will live life ignoring everything that has happened, including my attic friend Isabella. I still dont know why she is choosing to haunt me and her words burn inside my head

'Because i like to watch you suffer... And slowly die'

What does she mean am i going to die? Maybe Isabella caused the fire in my house. My phone rings


"Hello this is your family doctor im not shure if i told you already but your mother died from a blood clot, your father well were not shure quite yet why he died, were very sorry for your loss.....' I hang up the phone cutting off the doctors sentence. I put my phone on my dresser and pull out my only set of clothes, ripped denim shorts, floral printed spagetti strap tank top, and a grey hoodie. I dress and place the hoodie in the drawer. I apply my usual makeup, some liquid eyeliner and a little bit of pink lip gloss. I leave my long straight chocolate brown hair down and pull my bangs up. I walk out to the kitchen were my aunt was making some wafles. I take 2 wafles and add some chocolate chips and maple syrup. I devour them,

"Hey i think im going to go to the mall an buy some clothes" i say to my aunt.

"Shure hang on a sec" she says, she goes in her room then comes out with 200 dollars.

"Here you are spend it wisely" she says.

"Uum i was thinking you could give me a ride?" I ask,

"Shure get in the car ill be right there" she says. She gets the kids and buckles them up in the backseat, i sit in the front with my aunt. We start driving and i turn on the radio, it is Australian chanell so im not familiar with any of the songs. We finally arive, it was around a ten minute drive. The mall is humongus! It has 15 sections and around 12 doors! Theres a roxy, bilabong, ardenes, clares, boathouse, garage, campus crew, and many other stores im not familiar with. Excitedly i thank my aunt then get out of the car. I walk into the humongus mall straight to my favourite store, Ardene. It was about 15 minutes later i had baught 3 sweater 1over head turquoise, 1 zip up that said malibu beach surf and it is grey blue and white then one button up it is white with grey stripes and says honolulu in a corner. 3 pairs of denim shorts, 2 pairs of comfortable shorts, 2 pairs of sweats, 4 t-shirts 1 said malibu beach it was turquoise and white. the other said long board/ short board riders it was yellow, blue and red. the other said california surf 82, it was white, black and peach.and the last one said 27 malibu beach bums it was black, turquoise and peach. I had also baught 3 tanks one was peach with palm trees on it, the other said you only live once on it and it is black and blue, and the last one has parots on it. I baught some more liquid eyeliner, blue, peach, easter purple, black and green nail polish some spike earings, dice earings,fale diamond earings, and many more. I pay and it comes to 82 dollars. I walk out with bags covering my arms. Iwalk into roxy store and get some flip flops, mocasins, a bathing suit, and some more tank tops and tees and riped jean shorts. I pay and it comes to 37 dollars. I walk into a foot wear store and buy some white burkenstocks (flip flop style). I pay and it comes to 25 dollars. I buy some hair stuff and exceseries at clares. I pay and it comes to 30 dollars. I now have 26$ left, i call my aunt and ask for a ride since i am carrying about 50 big bags. I see a whole bunch of teenagers about 16 like me walk buy i shily wave but they dont do anything back. I sigh if school was going to be like this then id have no friends. I walk outside and wait till i see my aunts car. I load the trunk with all my stuff and luckily it just fit. I climb in the front

"Find anything you like?"

"Lots" i reply happily. I hand her the 26 dollars

"Keep it" she says pushing it towards me. I smile and kindly take it i put it in my pocket, now all i need is a job

"Do you think you could drop me off here?" I ask pointing at a resturant called Frantelli's, there was a big sign in the window saying 'waitress job available'. She slows to a stop

"Oh a job.. I see ok" she says stoping.

"Ill walk back to your place, thanks" i say iget out and walk inside as Bianca drives away.

"Hello im here for the job" i say

"Okay im Darrel im the boss here" says Darrel.

I shake his hand and he leads me in a office.

"We are not looking for any experience you can have a trial if you like, and if your good you get the job" he explains.

"Shure id love a trial" i say

"Good what size are you?"

"Probly a small or medium" i reply. He comes back with a outfit and aprin tht says the company/ resturant name on it. I take it and change into the small and it fits. I come out of the washorrom and start working emediatly doing my absolute best, making smoothies, shakes, ice cream, slushies, coffee, lates, mochas.and serving ham burgers, hot dogs, soups, and salads.


It was around 2 hours later when the boss Darel finally called on me.

"You made the job" he exclaims happily. I smile so widely i thing im going to burst.

"Wow thanks!" I say shaking his hand. He hands me a mini scedule that shows the days and months and the highlighted days are when i work or when i can get a couple shifts i want. I smile seing i work tommorow (sunday). I cant wait to start work and earn some money!


15 minutes later........

I arrive at my aunts house and go straight to my room. I find my purchased things in a pile on my bed, i unload the bags. I place most of my stuff in the dreser till nothing else can fit, i put the rest in the closet along with my shoes. I put my earings, hair stuff and nail polish on the top of my dresser. I take off my flip flops tht im wearing and place them in my closet with all the other shoes. I smile now i have a great war drobe again i think. I walk out back to the kitchen to see Bianca standing at the doot talking to a girl around her age with a 4 year old boy.

"Just the person i was waiting for" says Bianca she motions me for to come closer, i greet the young women and her children.

"Lilly i told Anna that you could babysit her kids and mine while we go out,since you were looking for a job" she explains.

"Ya shure i like kids" i say without a lie"

"This is anderson," says Bianca pointing to the cute blondue hair blue eyed boy "and of course you know Brett and Isabella" she finishes.

"Ya okay" i say, my aunt and her friend leave. Now i am stuck with 3 kids a 18 month old boy couple week old baby girl and a 4 year old boy on a saturday, MY weekend.

A/N: sorry for making you guys wait for so long! Almost 2 weeks that i didnt update! Sorry again anyway hope you all liked that chapter. How you guys liking book so far? Comment and tell me. I was thinking

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