Chapter 5

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Lilly's P.O.V

As were walking to the library i have so mutch on my mind that i didnt even talk to Bridget mutch. We finally arive in what seemed like forever and enter the library. We were greeted with the delightfullness of earconditioning. I walk up to the librarians desk

"Can you show us were the 1997 papers are?" i ask

"yes i can do you know how to scroll through and look at them?" she asks

"yes i do" i respond

"and you?" she asks Bridget

"uuum yes i do" she replies.

the librarian leads us up a long aisle of books into a room.

"here it is" she says "are you familiar with this room?"

"yes ive been in here before" i say as she shows us where to find 1997's papers. Bridget and I thank her again as she leaves and we scroll through the papers. I find an aubotories section already open in a paper so i slide it under the scope and scroll through reading word by word. I come to the section I for Isabella and stop Ilama Inthra Indi Izzy Isabell i scroll ferther wow there was allot of people who died and whos names started with an I. I stop in my tracks as i see 'Shocking News little 5 year old Isabella daughter of Marie Lou And Jameson Lou Death. Isabella left this earth febuary 5th 1997. She died by suffocating in a 1870s chest in her attic playing 'hide and go seek' i stop as it continues on about her parents thoughts.

"Bridget I think I may have just found it" i say as sge comes over and reads it.

"May?!" she questions "more like you did" we look at eachother.

"Do you think I should ask to keep this section?" i ask Bridget.

"Ya i honestly think you should" she says. Then Bridget starts looking in papers after that for possibly any other mentioning of 'Isabella'. I go back to the librarians desk with the paper in my hand.

"Do you think I could have this section right here?" i ask showing her the piece i want.

"most certainly i think that would be ok its no use why do you want it anyway?" asks the librarian.

"Oh just . . ." i trail off having no idea what to say till Bridget saves my butt.

"Its one of my far away familly members shes just asking for me"

"Well thats of course ok didnt know about her and you want to know how she died im guessing?" she asks

"exactly that" Says Bridget smilling.The librarian cuts the section neatly out for me and hands it back and I thank her. Taking the paper me and Bridget walk back to her house.

A/N: sorry everyone that i havnt updated in a while. also i apologise 4 the short chapter but im a bit sad (familly reasons) so because of that i just couldnt really think so sorry plz forgive me! please while waiting for next chapter





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