"What happened to you?" she asked.

"It's a little fuzzy, but I was taken by Doctor Doom twice because he wants me to be his weapon, and then I sacrificed myself to Ward to save my family" I stated.

"Why don't you remember that well?"

"Ward erased my memory".

"Why would he do something so twisted and evil? Hurting a child is just pure evil" she said.

"He said I was property of Hydra. He said that I didn't deserve basic human rights because I was a weapon. He broke my knee when I tried to escape".

"You know we're looking for Ward. When we find him, you can have the first shot at him" Daisy said.

"You know we should really for a support group for those that have been hurt by Ward. You, me, Fitz, May, and Bobbi. I'm sure there are more" I joked.

"I've never seen you this way. And I mean defensive".

"It's how I cope" I interrupted. Daisy left to go talk with the others while I got settled. After about ten minutes, I got bored and decided to go look for someone. I found everyone except Coulson in a small recreation room.

"Hey" I said to get their attention. They all turned.

"Will" Simmons said "we were all wondering how you met Coulson and Daisy".

"You want the long version or the short version" I asked.

"The long version please. We want to get to know you" she replied, her British accent filling the room.

"Okay. Then I'll start front the beginning" I sat on the couch and told them my life story, my powers. I did, however, leave out the part where I'm actually older than all of them.

May looked impressed. Mack, Fitz and Simmons looked sympathetic. Daisy and Bobbi looked like they understood, and Hunter looked skeptical.

"Why didn't Hydra use you before the day you were rescued? I mean they could've use you any other time they wanted" he said.

"I wasn't ready until then. I wasn't strong enough until that day" I said.

"Yes, but it just doesn't add up".

"You try being raised by Hydra and then being thrown into a world that you were supposed to destroy with people you were supposed to kill. Then try being shot in the stomach and falling off a helicarrier. Then watch as your family is hurt and lost and killed while you sit there helplessly watching the madness unfold. While you're at it, try being taken by a psychopath twice and following his orders to save those you love. Try forgetting who you are and everyone you ever knew and cared about. That's just scratching the surface of what I've gone through" I snapped. Hunter looked shocked as did the others.

"I never thought of it like that".

"Well you should have. Now I don't care if you think I'm weak, but trust me, I'm not. I'll prove it to you if you wanna go a few rounds" I stated.

"I think we're good thanks for asking" Fitz stated, putting his hands up in surrender.

"What exactly have you guys gone through on during your time at SHIELD" I asked.

"Ward pushed Simmons and I out of a plane in a container. We sank to the bottom of the ocean" Fitz said.

"I was shot by Hydra and got my powers" Daisy said.

"I was possessed by some Kree spirt" Mack stated.

"I too was captured by Ward. He beat me, broke my knee. Then I took a bullet for Hunter" Bobbi replied.

"I went after Ward and almost got myself killed" Hunter hung his head. We all turned to May.

"No comment" May whispered leaving the room.

"She doesn't like to talk about that" Simmons said "anyway, Will, what do you like to do in your free time?"

"What free time? All I do is train and suffer" I said "all of my scars never fully healed. It hurts to move, but I suffer through the pain".

"Why didn't your scars fully heal?"

"I was taken by Doom again before they could heal and then I was taken by Ward" I said. I turned around and lifted the back of my shirt so they could see the scars.

"Oh my. How?" Simmons started.

"How did my back get to be so messed up? That's because Doom whipped me, trying to get me to comply" I interrupted.

"That's just messed up. Why does everyone want to use you as a weapon?" Mack asked.

"Because I can destroy the world and everyone in it" I was staring at the floor "bad people would get a lot of money if they sold me to Hydra or AIM or Doom".

"This is like way beyond child abuse" Bobbi said.

"I'm not a child" I mumbled "I'm seventy-two technically".

"What was that?" Daisy said.

"I'm technically older than all of you, seeing how I was born in 1943" I whispered.

"How are you still this young?" Simmons inquired.

"They froze me just hours after I was born and unfroze me in 2000".

"Why would anyone do such an evil thing? We all knew Ward, but this doesn't sound like him or Hydra" Fitz argued.

"You clearly haven't seen the real Hydra before, and the Ward you knew is gone. He was replaced with something that is pure evil".

"I know, but I was just hoping" he sighed.

"I get it, but he's hurt all of us in more ways than one. He deserves to die".

"No one deserves to die" Simmons said.

"Go through the last fifteen years of my life and tell me whether or not those people who hurt me, who raised me, who wanted me to be their weapon, deserve to die. They all do. The world would be better off if they weren't here. It would also be better off if I had never been born".

"Will, don't say that. The world is safer with you in it because you are good and you save people" Daisy stated. I got up and went back to my room. I curled up on the bed and stayed in the same position for the next few hours.

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