Part 2 Draco...fought for me?

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You woke up in your slytherin bed hearing pansy and her girls talking.

"I'm telling you girls Draco fancies me and I'll get him to admit it." She said with a smug look fixing her hair

You smiled and rose up from your bed with your messy bun and morning eyes. You knew Draco couldn't stand pansy and well neither could you cause she was a pain in the ass. Sadly though pansy saw you smiling and looked angrily at you.

"What the bloody hell are you smiling at L/n." She said smugly

"Ooooh nothing." You said mockingly. Yawning and stretching your arms. letting her know you knew something. She flipped her hair and turned over to her girls continuing her conversation.

You got up and got your  clothes and robe; getting ready and brushing threw your long H/c hair deciding to put it in a ponytail. When you finished you got your things and headed off to breakfast where you saw hermione running up to you.

"Meet me after your first class!" Than she ran back off to her table. That was odd for her to do but like always You nodded and shrugged it off walking over to the slytherin table and getting some eggs and toast for breakfast.

(Later on in potions class with snape)

In potions professor snape decided to pair two students up to work on a difficult potion. I could see pansy smirking at Draco  who wasn't looking or paying attention to her I guess she figured that snape would pair them up.

"Okay, gregory Goyle with Pansy greengrass."
"Draco with y/n ."

You snapped your head up from your book in surprise and almost wanted to run up to snape and beg on your knees to pair you up with anyone but him! even pansy! but you decided to keep your mouth shut and walk over to Draco. Slamming your books down and sitting on the seat next to him. He looked at you and had his hand on his chin looking like he was trying to hide a smirk.

"Okay, listen Malfoy no goofing off. We're gonna finish this and finish it right." You said seriously, opening your book to the page that would tell you how to do the damned potion. You kept accidentally touching Draco's hand are he would and every time it happened you sworn you felt this weird electric shock up your body, but you couldn't believe it. You knew you probably had a blush on your cheeks but this was Draco?! Draco Malfoy! Your enemy! You have no reason to even want to be near this boy!

Soon class ended and you sighed in relief getting your stuff up fast and getting out of there faster than anyone else. You almost wanted to cry knowing you had to finish the potion tomorrow with Draco.
Suddenly you remembered about meeting hermione after class. Glancing down at your watch you sigh loudly and lean against the wall.

Soon she came running after you and out of breath.

"Okay! So I need to tell you something!."she said out of breath and grabbed your hand taking you to the library and you both hid behind a shelf.

"So Katy was telling Ginny how she heard two slytherin guys talking about how hot you where and perverted stuff like that. Draco butted in and hit one of the guys in the face! The face!" She repeated in aw.
"Then he told them to shut the bloody hell up and don't talk about y/n that way. Which made everyone think that Draco has a thing for you!."

You opened your mouth in shock and was a bit pissed off at the two slytherin boys, but you'll deal with those guys later .....
What you couldn't believe was Draco actually doing something about it! I mean wasn't he suppose to hate you? And why do you feel this weird feeling? Hell what was happening! You looked at hermione who was waiting for your response.

"Well...I.. Don't know why he did that." You said honestly and she didn't looked convinced

Later at night you laid down in bed thinking of Draco and wondering what the bloody hell was happening to you.

Okay that was part 2! If you like it vote/comment and if I messed up comment and tell me :D I don't know what a lot of the classes where called🙈 bye bye

UPDATE- I wrote this story about 3 years ago. I was a baby and couldn't write for shit. I know I get a lot of comments saying that it went toooooo fast! And I agree. But I won't change that. I am fixing miss spelled things and trying to Fix things I don't like. But I really hope my old and new readers like this!♥️

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