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A/N I am so so so fucking sorry I haven't updated either books in ages I just haven't been in the mood to be honest. That's a shit reason but hey what can I say! I started writing the other one shot I should hopefully be just about to also publish nearly 2 months ago so yeah that's great! Also IMPORTANT SHIT!!! me and petekeyaf have created a like joint account called StarryeyedMikey and have started writing a petekey/ryden thingy and just read it! It will be awesome! Sorry this is long and boring! Proceed!

Gerard's POV (because this was originally written with the other thing then I realized it was completely irrelevant!)

I am currently sitting outside Frank's house. As weird as it may sound, it is actually quite logical.

You see me and Frank are meant to be, and I will try my absolute hardest to get him. I will fight for him.

I am fighting. I am learning. I know everything there is to know. His birthday, his favourite colour, what he wants for christmas. I know everything, and I intend on putting this information to good use.

Because I am an observer. I like to watch people. To figure out how they work. I want him to be mine. I want him to love me and I want to understand him and for him to understand me.

We are meant for each other he just doesn't see it yet.

I see him, everyday.

My parents are worried about me. Never being at home, always out, always 'away'. I am at my true home. I am where my heart is. Well I'm outside. He doesn't know I'm here. He hasn't realized in all the times I've been here. He sits oblivious to his audience. I am his audience, I am the only fan he needs.

I plan my means of attack. I've planned it for weeks. He must be mine only mine. Nobody must be allowed him. He is my soulmate.

I suddenly burst through the front door and run into the lounge. He stares at me wide eyed. I pull out a gun and point it towards him, I motion for him to come with me but don't say a word. I mustn't reveal my identity. Not yet.

His eyes are full of fear, full of weakness and I start to question my decision. But I made up my mind and there's no going back now. I push him upstairs, to his room. He looks terrified now and I can't help but grin.

I lead him to his bathroom, push him over into the bath. He looks confused. I pull a rope out of my deep coat pockets and start to tie him up. In the bath. He won't escape, not now. Not ever.

When he is bound so tight he can no longer move I quickly run downstairs and grab the heaviest objects I could quickly get my hands on.

I weigh him down, just to be sure and turn the tap on. Just a small stream of water at first. I want to draw this out as long as possible. His eyes are wide with panic.

'What do you want with me!?' He cries out. He looks absolutely petrified. I have him right where I want him.

'I wanted a lot. But now not so much.'

'What do you mean?' Frank was a mess of fear and confusion oh how I love him so.

'I mean, I loved you once. I saw the chain that tied us together. I saw how it was meant to be. You and me. However I'm afraid you weren't quite as fortunate to see these obvious signs and have remained quite blind and oblivious to this whole situation.'

'What situation?' Frank could tell he was in trouble his balls were wet.

'You were meant for me Frankie! Yet you denied me the privilege of your company. Of your love. and now I am going to make it certain that you will love no other. Because no one else is worthy of such a prized possession as you my dear, I don't want you getting hurt.' I laughed a sick, twisted laugh and I enjoyed it. I was returning the torture he had given me these past few months as I grieved over my rejection.

'Who are you?' He whimpered on terror.

'Gerard Way.' I replied, taking off the ski mask I had previously been wearing. I heard him gasp. I knew he would be shocked. Anyone would be I was so hopeless, so innocent. No one would suspect me for murder.

The water was up to his neck now.

'Gerard don't do this. I didn't mean it!' Frank pleaded but to no avail.

'You may not of done my dear, dear Frankie. But no matter, it affected me. You made me sad sweetie and now I will put an end to mine and yours suffering.'

I laughed as I increased the water flow so Frank was soon completely under water flailing around for oxygen. He wasn't going to get any.

I laughed and laughed until suddenly a dark cloud emerged from Franks body.

'To think I had always loved you.' It spat in a dark mysterious voice.

Gerard Way died that night. Along with the remains of Frank Iero. But the darkness still remained, engrained in there souls as they kept up there constant game of misery into there next life.

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