First kisses

938 47 14

A/N I nearly forgot this existed!

'Hey Frank.'

'Hey Gerard.'

'Can I ask you a kind of awkward question?' Gerard twisted his fingers awkwardly, blushing bright red and not tearing his eyes away from the ground.

'Depends how awkward...' Frank laughed nervously.

'It's pretty awkward...'

'Ahh what the fuck, just go for it!' Frank smiled making Gerard relax just enough to be able to actually ask the question.

'Y'know how you're... I don't wanna say fuck boy but.... Ow!' Gerard laughed as Frank punched him on the arm lightly.

'Carry on.'

'CouldyouteachmehowtokissproperlybecausemeandLynZhavebeengoingoutforagesandjust... Pleaseeeee!' Gerard said as quickly as he could in one breath.

'What? Did you ask for me to teach you how to kiss?' Frank asked in disbelief not exactly opposed to the idea but still in shock Gerard would suggest such a thing!

'If it's alright? You don't have to just... I don't want to look like a twat...' Gerard said quietly avoiding eye contact.

'Yeah but ummm...' It was Frank's turn to be awkward now. He scratched the back of his neck awkwardly. 'I can't exactly teach you without actually kissing you...'

'Oh.' Gerard didn't know what to do now. This would be his first kiss. Should he have his first kiss with his girlfriend or make sure their first kiss was perfect.

'Ahhh what the fuck just go for it!' Gerard said trying to sound flippant and not actually admit to how much it meant to him.

'Okay...' Frank said breathing out slowly and closing his eyes. He pressed his lips to Gerard's, who immediately kissed back.

To Gerard it was the most magical experience of his life. He felt like fire was pumping through his veins, like a magical force of pure happiness had taken over his body and it was beautiful.

It took him back to when he was young. When nothing really mattered. It was just him and Frank, and cold nights and snuggling close for warmth sharing a cup of hot chocolate because Gerard was too lazy to get up and make his own. It was perfect, they were happy. They were all each other needed. They were always there for each other when no one else was. They were best friends. Or was it something more?

The kiss deepened and Frank pinned Gerard down on the floor but neither wanted to stop.

Frank and Gerard had always been inseperable when they were younger. They had grown up together. Learnt together, learnt from each other. They were in no way geniuses but it was enough. At least it was at the time.

Before everything started to change. The fateful day when everything started to go wrong. Mikey had been the only other one who had any form of access to Gerard's heart.

He had 'fallen' down the stairs. Or at least that's what they had told the cops when they had arrived. Poking their noses in and asking questions.

Gerard knew the truth. And had been pained and tortured by his silence.

Mikey had been murdered.

He watched it happen. The arguing, the screaming. The fateful hit to the head.

He would never forgive his parent's for what they had done. What they had driven Mikey to.

Mikey was a few years older than Gerard and he had always looked up to him. He had been his hero. Always one step ahead of the game. He knew. He knew the truth. How his mum and dad were leaders in a massive criminal operation. Which to this day Gerard knew next to nothing about. It was illegal and Mikey knew, he understood. It was wrong and Mikey tried to reason with them, but to no avail. He had died a failure.

Their secrets had been kept.

There was many harsh nights after that. With no Mikey to stick up for him and to protect him he was on his own.

But Frank was there. He always was. He always found a way to be.

He protected Gerard, from his parents, from himself, from the world. It was amazing, only one voice could calm Gerard down after waking up screaming from having a nightmare re-living Mikey's death. The blood, the anger, the hate.

Frank was there and he never left. He was always there to comfort him when he needed him most. He was always ready to cheer Gerard up when he needed it, and god had he needed it.

Frank was Gerard's solution. He was the answer to all his problems. He just made everything better. Frank was the one thing, the one person he could rely upon. The only one who cared.

Frank was Gerard's savior.

Now it all made sense.

Frank grabbed Gerard and pushed him onto the bed, quickly trying to get rid of his jeans. As they broke the kiss for a few seconds and Gerard stared into Frank's eyes everything clicked into place.

'I love you Frank.'

A/N who's pissed wattpad randomly just deleted half of her oneshot? oh yeah me! Fuck you! I have no idea what I just did this started off like 100 words simply just based on a conversation I was only vaguely listening to a week or so ago now bam Mikey's dead! Why do I do this? It was also brought to my attention during that conversation that I have never actually been kissed so that's great... Yay life. In other words I bullshitted this whole thing love you guys bye!

Frerard Oneshotsजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें