Unit 5 Session 3 - Introducing Your Family

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Just remember the pattern that I will give when introducing your own family.
1) Say the word " My Family "
(ぼく If your a boy, わたし If your a girl. の かぞく)
2) Say how many members are you in the family.
(かぞく わ、 NUMBER です)
3) Say how many sibling does your family have including you.
(きょうだい わ、NUMBER です)
4) Introduce your family members, (Mother, Father, brother and sister if you have a brother and sister and then yourself.)
(かぞく わ、 おかあさん と、 おとうさん と、 おにいちゃん と、 おねえちゃん と、 わたし/ぼく

The suffix for the number of members is にん。

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