Unit 3 Session 3 - My Favorite Word

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How to say "My favorite word is ..." in Japanese and write it to hiragana?
すき な ことば わ WORD です。 - Suki na kotoba wa, WORD desu.
Please take note that suki is pronounced as ski.
Please take nite that desu is pronounced as des.

What are the common response of the other people hearing your favorite word?
1. へえ、そうなんだ! (Hee, Sounanda?) - Oh really?
2. いい ね! (Ii ne!) - That's great!
3. おなじ! (Onaji!) - Me too!

How to ask someone whats their favorite word?
すき な きとば わ? (Suki na kotoba wa?) - What is your favorite word.

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