Unit 5 Session 2 - Numerals

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Before learning numbers in Japan, take note of these other family members' meaning in English and Japanese...
(No more Romaji, just Hiragana. SInce I gave the alphabet already, how about you guys learn on your own shall we?

1.しんせき - Relatives
2. おじちゃん - Uncle
3. おばちゃん - Aunt
4. いとこ - Cousin
5. おい - Nephew
6. めい - Neice
7. ぎり の おにいちゃん - Brother in law
8. ぎり の おねえちゃん - Sister in law
9. にいおじいちゃん - Great grandfather
10. にいおばあちゃん - Great grandmother

Today, I will teach how to ay numbers in Japanese. As usual, no Romaji but when it needs clarification, I will give them.

1 - いち 2 - に 3 - さん 4 - よん 5 - ご 6 - ろく 7 - なな
8 - はち 9 - きゅう 10 - じゅう

When saying a number higher that ten, you use this formula.
じゅう + いちーきゅう (one to nine)

For example, if your saying 16,
じゅう + ろく = じゅうろく

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