Unit 5 Session 1 - Introducing Your Family

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(By the way guys, since I already uploaded the hiragana alphabet, you can now translate my hiragana words in Romaji.)
かぞく - it means family

What is a かぞく?
- it basically has a father, mother and siblings
- unique, different, special and important.

What are the members of the family in Japanese?
おじいちゃん - Grandfather
おばあちゃん - Grandmother
おとうさん - Father
おかあさん - Mother
おにいちゃん - Big brother
おねえちゃん - Big sister
おとうと - Little Brother
いもうと - Little Sister

How do you say "My Family" in Japanese?
For girls, you say "わたし の かぞく"
For boys, you say "ぼく の かぞく"

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