Trick and Treat! by Rin and Len Kagamine

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fukai fukai kiri no naka youen ni hibiku koe
(ふかい ふかい きり の なか ようえん に ひびく こえ)
oide oide kono mori no motto okufukaku made
(おいで おいで この もり の おくふかく まで)
hayaku hayaku isogiashi de dekiru dake chikaku ni
(はやく はやく いそぎあし で できる だけ ちかく に)
oide oide saa tanoshii
(おいで おいで さあ たのしい)
asobi wo hajimeyou
(あそび を はじめよう)

(しなもん アリックス わ まほう の すてっき) I will explain this part later...
hitofuri suru dakede SHIROPPU ga fueru
(ひとふり する だけで しろっぷ が ふえる)
nigasa sae wasurete amai yume no naka
(にがさ さえ わすれて あまい ゆめ の なか)
tengai ni mamorarete
(てんがい に まもられて)
nemuri ni ochiru
(ねむり に おちる)

gensou no saimin ni oboreta mama de ii
(げんそう の さいみん に おぼれた まま で いい)
mekakushi wo hazushicha omoshiroku nai desho
(めかくし を はずしちゃ おもしろく ない でしょ)
ashimoto gochuui sono te wa boku ga hiku kara
(あしもと ごちゅうい その て わ ぼく が ひく から)
sono mi wo ima sugu ni
(その も を いま すぐ に)
yudanenasai saa
(ゆだねなさい さあ)

itsukaraka ginen no ha ga miegakure suru
(いつからか ぎねん の は が みえがくれ する)
ai to iu menzaifu nado wa sonzai shinai to
(あい と いう めんざいふ など わ そんざい しない と)
mekakushi no sukima kara nozokimita RANTAN ga
(めかくし の すきま から のぞきみた らんたん が)
utsushi dashita kage ni omowazu
(うつし だした かげ に おもわず)
mi no ke ga yodatta
(み の け が よだった)

oya oya warui ko mou omezame desu ka?
(おや おや わるい こ もう おめざめ です か?)
mekakushi ga toketa nara moumoku ni shiyou ka?
(めかくし が とけた なら もうもく に しよう か?)
hora hora warainasai kawaii okao de
(ほら ほら わらいなさい かわいい おかお で)
kegawa wo mata kabutte
(けがわ を また かぶって)
shibai ni modoru
(しばい に もどる)

"...Nee, choudai?"
("...ねえ, ちょうだい?")

doushita no sonna me de karada wo furuwasete
(どうした の そんあ め で からだ を ふるわせて)
atatakai MIRUKU de motenashite hoshii no?
(あたたかい みるく で もてなして ほしい の?)
saa naka ni ohairi koko wa totemo atatakai
(さあ なか に おhしり ここ わ とても あたたかい)
mikaeri wa POKETTO no nakami de ii kara
(みかえり わ ぽけっと の なかみ で いい から)

choudai hayaku hayaku
(ちょうだい はやく はやく)
nee hora ima sugu ni
(ねえ ほら すぐ に)
nisha takuitsu no gensoku wo kanagurisute
(にしゃ たくいつ の げんそく を かなぐりすて)
mayakashi de motenashite amai mitsu wo sutte
(まやかし で もてなして あまい みつ を すって)
choudai yokose hora ima sugu ni
(ちょうだい よこせ ほら いま すぐ に)


In case you wanted to know the English translation, well then here it is.

Deep, deep within the fog, a captivating voice echoes
Come, come, until you're deeper into the heart of the forest
Hurry, hurry, you'll only get closer if you're quick
Come, come, now isn't it fun?
Let the games begin

The cinnamon stick is a magic wand
With just one flick the syrup will swell
Into a dream so sweet you'll forget you knew bitterness
Sheltered by the canopy
You'll fall deep asleep

It's okay to be lost, mesmerized by mirages
If you loosen the blindfold it won't be fun
Watch your step! I'll take you by the hand
So, right away
Entrust yourself to me

For some time the blade of doubt has been fading in and out
The mercy of love has no place here
Through a slit in the blindfold you peeped
And saw the shadows cast by the lantern
Suddenly, your hair stands on end

My my, what a wicked child! You're already awake?
If the blindfold came off, then shall I blind you?
Come now, smile! Let's see that precious face
Slip back into your skin
and go back to the show

"...Hey, give me some?"

What happened to make your eyes so wide? Your body is trembling
Shall I bring you some warm milk?
Now now, come inside! It's very warm in here
The stuff from your pockets will be enough in return

Give me something, hurry, hurry
Hey c'mon, right away
Abandon the notion of having a choice
We'll lure you in with lies, so just slurp the sweet honey
Give me some, hey now, hand it over, right now

Right now!

Let us discuss what was the other characters in STIKKU.
Apparently, there are no hiragana characters that has only the letter s on it. so instead of using the hiragana, we can use the other Japanese writing system which is Katakana. You will learn it soon and I will.also learn it soon once school days are back.

Thank you for the wonderful song @XxLalalover404xX and it drove me crazy once I heard the mp3 of it. Rin and Len are still sweet like always.

Why dont you guys request more songs until my notebook returns. More songs to request and to translate will be fun. And as always, I will see you guys soon...

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