I've got quite the accumulation of junk mail and newly posted bills, though what catches my attention, as it did the first time I saw it, is a white envelope with a neatly placed postage stamp and black felt cursive handwriting addressed to;

'N. Sheppard
45 Keswick Terrace, No. 7
Parkville, 3010'

Just as it did the first time, the hand written text makes me smile, and almost feel envious to have someone post me something handwritten – personal. I take the latter in my hand and instead of slipping it through the thin mail slit of Noah's mailbox, I decide to climb the stairs again and personally deliver it.

Standing in front of the door, I can hear the sound of the TV and as always the blender buzzing in the background. I bring my closed fit down against the wooden door three times and take a step back hoping Noah will hear the door over all the commotion going on inside. I wait for a moment, and as I feel the seconds elongating I bring my hand to knock again, however just as I do the door is pulled open. Instinctively my hand drops limp by my side as I muster up a smile and fiddle with the envelope in my hands.

Noah stands in front of me, hair dishevelled and flopping over his forehead. It looks longer now; when I first saw him it just cover his eyebrows and now, the thin strands are like curtains covering his eyes. He's barefoot in pyjama bottoms and a well-worn t-shirt with a printed pattern that's missing in places. He looks tired.

"Hi." I feel my smile starting to fade as I consider whether or not I'm disrupting him.

"Hi." He echoes, his all too familiar grin surfacing onto his drained looking complexion, as he combs his fingers through his unruly hair.

"I uh, came to give you this." I hold out the neat envelope between us, feeling a strong sense of de ja vu at my words and actions. Noah takes it from my hands and stares down at the writing for a moment before looking back up at me and flapping the envelope against his palm.


"No worries." I give him another smile, slowly sensing awkwardness building up as I stand with nothing else to say.

"You've got a lecture now?" His hair falls back over his eyes as he speaks and he bends his neck down to group it all and push it back.

"Yeah. You don't?"

"I've got a tute, but I've also got a physio assignment and a lab tomorrow so..."

"You decided to bludge?" My eyebrow rises as I mimic him. Noah laughs lightly as he continues to pat the envelope against his palm.

"I wouldn't call it bludging... I'm making better use of my time."

"Your secret's safe with me." I give him a slightly wider smile before taking a step back. "I'll see you."

"Yeah." He replies as I turn to head back down the stairs. "Hey," Noah calls out. I stop and turn on the cement step and look up at his figure now slightly outside the door. "Do you wanna meet up on the balconies later?" He rubs the back of his head with his free hand and I notice his jaw moving from one side to the other.




My day at Uni passes tediously slowly, with the seconds ticking away like minutes and minutes crawling by like hours. Having my little talks with Noah to look forward to on the balcony has had me impatient all day and wanting to be home sooner. As I walk I can't help but cringe at my enthusiasm for something so small. Back home, I was never one to delve into company; I always preferred to have my own space, and to be on my own, with the exception of my parents and Evan.

The Essence of Noah (Muslim story)Where stories live. Discover now