Now I have to wait for Peeta to distract Cato enough for me to escape from behind the chair.

Peeta walks into the bathroom and pulls something out, hopefully for the distraction.

"Cato, I need your opinion. Can you come in here?" Peeta asks and Cato turns off his phone and puts it in his pocket before making his way to the bathroom. Time to make my escape.

I quickly slide out from behind the chair and I unlock, open, close, and relock the door to make it seem like I just walked in. I thumbs up to Finnick who mimics me. Marvel is too busy mourning over the loss of Glimmer that he didn't notice.

"Do your hair the way it is Peeta, I don't think that Katniss will care... And the, uh, blue shirt." Cato says and walks back in here. He glances at me, but then he just sits in his chair, no suspicion whatsoever. Good.

We had three bunks in our room, and I share one with Marvel. Finnick wanted his own bunk, for whatever reason, and we let him have it. It's probably best not to question him, you never know with Finnick.

I sit on my bed, which is the bottom bunk, and take out my notebook. I open it to the next clean page, and I write down his passcode: 2023, which I tear out of the notebook to keep in my phone case so I know I won't loose it.

Stage three goes into action and I sit on my bed, staring at my phone for about three hours. I already completed my homework, which was only math and it was super simple. I get a text message from Peeta.

Peeta: What's the passcode?

Me: 2023, get the phone and don't try to get into it yet. Wait till after he goes to sleep.

Peeta: Wasn't planning on it. It's actually in my pocket, he thinks it's in his football bag. I'll be the last one out to hand it to you.

Me: K. Man, I really want to know who he's been texting all this time. Who do ya think it is?

Peeta: Probably Clove. Dude likes her. It is kinda obvious though, don't know if that's a good or bad thing though. Know if she likes him?

Me: Nada. I know that Katniss is pretty good friends with her maybe I could spill something if the texts are inconclusive.

Peeta: Good idea.

We stop texting when Marvel realizes it was time to go. Cato walks out the door first, which gives us the perfect opportunity to hand off his phone. They all leave, then it's just me.

The curiosity is starting to get the better or me, and I know that I told Peeta I would wait, but it's right there...he won't know. I guess I can take a little peak...

That's when I get a text from, you guessed it, Peeta.

Peeta: I know your staring at that phone wondering if you should break the promise, but you suck at lying dude. Plus I will be able to tell if you did. So don't.

I laugh at the perfect timing.

Me: True true. Man are you psychic or something cause you just explained exactly what I was doing.

Peeta: Nope. Just know ya well enough

I decide to test out his passcode to make sure I got it right. I punch in the numbers and it unlocks. Good.

We don't have a TV or a computer, but I know Finnick has a universal tablet we can all use. Apparently, he's rich, if you couldn't tell by his summer beach house. The passcode was simply our room number.

I don't know if there is Netflix on this iPad, so I start to look through the pages of apps that Finnick downloaded. Most of them are games like Candy Crush, or games that will waste your money. No Netflix. Well balls...

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