Chapter 19: Moving On

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It had been a year after Anaiyu's death. It made Leru happy to know that her mother had felt at peace in her final moments. She had also learned her father's name: Jini. I wonder who takes after him the most... Leru tried to think.

Jinkx was hardy and strong. He always was the first to do the heavy work. He was always the one to show off his muscles. If Jini was strong, then Jinkx would take after him.

Shade was fast and funny. He could cheer you up in an instant. Also, if you needed help he'd come running. If Jini was funny, then Shade would take after him.

Ifrit was sneaky and smart. He could sneak up on you in broad daylight. He could hide in your own shadow, even, and you'd never even know. He was also really smart. Ifrit put both of his older brothers to shame in the smarts category. If Jini was smart, then Ifrit would take after him.

Vine and Leru moved into Leru's old den. The kapok tree seemed to open its branches, as if to say, "Welcome home."

Vine was out on a hunt that day. Leru was washing her fur when she heard paw steps approaching. She poked her head out of the den. A female jaguar was standing there. Great. Someone else I don't know, Leru thought with frustration. "Leru? That's you, isn't it?" This female was looking at the albino with expectancy, as if she was waiting for Leru to recognize her.

Leru looked at this female's face, trying very hard to remember her. Finally, it struck her: this female's eyes were ice blue. Not scary like Asteria's, but nice and soothing like.... Saffi.

Leru's heart leapt with joy. "Saffi...? Is it you?" She asked cautiously, yet excitedly.

The jaguar nodded. "You bet your flank, it is," Saffi stated.

The two old friends sniffed each others' muzzles in greeting, and then nearly pounced on each other. Leru hadn't realized how much she'd missed Saffi. Her positive and bubbly attitude. Leru also hadn't realized how much she'd worried if Saffi had made it out of the Moonlight Meeting alive.

"What happened to you, Saffi? I thought you'd been shot at the Moonlight Meeting," Leru asked.

"Well you see, I ran like all 5 Jaguar Gods were coming after me. I found my mother, and we lived to see another day," Saffi replied. Then more playfully, she tipped her he'd and said, "So I guess you're stuck with me."

Leru laughed. "Well what are you doing here?" She looked at Saffi's belly. It was swollen. "While you're pregnant, too? Shouldn't you be with your mate at your den?" She asked questioningly.

Saffi looked down at her paws. She had a sorrowful glint in her eyes. When she spoke, Leru was heartbroken. "My mate was killed by the Humans. He was shot trying to defend me, and our unborn cubs," she told Leru, glancing at her belly. "While Nir was fighting he told me to run, so I did. I ran like I did at the Moonlight Meeting. Then I heard the sound..." Tears rolled down Saffi's cheeks as she remembered her experience. "And another. And then another. And finally another one. They shot him four times, Leru! He fought hard enough to live through three shots!" She wailed as she sank to the ground. The ground became damp with her tears.

Leru crouched down with her friend, trying to soothe her. She helped Saffi up. "How about you stay here with Vine and I? You and I can raise our cubs together!" Leru suggested excitedly.

Saffi's expression changed in an instant. She dived toward Leru's stomach, and placed her paw on it. "You and Vine, eh?" Saffi asked, intrigued. Leru couldn't help but laugh at Saffi's face; her raised eyebrow, and her mischievous smile. "Yes. Your biggest dream came true," Leru teased.

Saffi squealed. She was back to her old self. "I would love to stay with you, but Vine needs to say I can first," Saffi told her, calming down suddenly. Leru nodded and gestured to the den. They both entered and waited for Vine to return.

When he did return, Saffi nearly barreled him over out of excitement. Leru explained to her mate about Saffi's situation and Vine gladly agreed. "Our cubs could grow up together and we'd be like one huge happy family," he'd told them.


A few months passed by, and Saffi and Leru had given birth to their cubs. The whole den smelled like birth, milk, and anticipation.

Vine was overjoyed for both of them. I won't ever leave Leru's side, He thought with love and confidence. It was uncommon for males to stay with their mate for the rest of their lives, but not rare. And Vine was determined to stay with Leru forever.

Saffi was beaming with pride and happiness. Her cubs were born first, so she'd gotten a full dose of support from Leru and Vine. They're better than all of my family combined, she thought with admiration. Saffi was so grateful to her two friends, and showed it by hunting for them. She was doing her part, and in fact she was taking part in Vine's and Leru's jobs, as well.

Saffi had given birth to three cubs, all of them males. The oldest one was the noisiest, and she named him Troy. The second oldest was the quietest, and she named him Ilo. The runt was the darkest color, and Saffi named him Axel.

Leru had her cubs next. She gave Vine four cubs. She gazed at her four new, small cubs. They all reminded her of her and her litter mates. She had three females and one male.

The oldest was female and was the most dominant, and her father named her Batya. The second oldest was the noisiest female, and her mother named her Agatha. The third oldest was the sleepiest female, and Vine named her Joy. The runt was the only male, and Leru named him Hero.

She gazed at her new family with pride. Saffi licked and nuzzled her new cubs. Vine waited on the two new mothers to their every whim. Leru looked at her daughters and her son. They reminded her of her life as a cub, and she wanted them to have the same thing. Maybe even better.

As Leru laid her head down, she looked around the den. She'd been born here, raised here. Now she and Saffi had given birth to a whole new generation that the old kapok tree would witness grow up. Before sleep overcame Leru, her mind flitted to her mother. I am just like my mother, Leru thought with glee. A thought that had never graced Anaiyu's mind.

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