Chapter 7: Two Brothers

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"Why do you keep doing that?" Leru asked.

"What? What do I keep doing?" Vine replied.

"This!" Leru spat.

"That doesn't tell me anything. I'm completely clueless," Vine said, shaking his head.

"I'll say," Leru chuckled. She had to admit, this was kinda fun.

"Oh great. Now who's being rude? I just saved your life. The least you could do is be a little grateful," Vine said.

Leru sighed. Where is Saffi? She wondered. "Thank you," she said, defeated. She hung her head low.

"There we go. See? That wasn't so hard now, was it?" Vine smirked and hung his head at the exact same level as her so he could look into her eyes. She'd never noticed it before, but Vine's eyes were a very pretty shade of green. I could stare at them all day, she found herself thinking. She quickly dismissed it. Where had that come from?

Something flashed in and out of his eyes again. But Leru couldn't tell what it was. Maybe, regret? Or something else... But what Vine did next confused her even more. He walked away towards a flower bush full of lillies. He picked one, then trotted back over to her. Vine then motioned for her to put her head down. She did, and he slid the lily behind her ear.

"Beautiful," she thought she heard him whisper. "What?" She asked. Vine cleared his throat. "Ummm, the flower is, uh, beautiful, isn't it?" He stammered. She walked over to a puddle and looked at her reflection. She looked nice with the flower. What is he doing? She wondered.

"You didn't answer my question," Leru said, turning to him.

Vine sighed, exasperated. "What question?"

"Why do you keep comparing yourself as my mate? The arrangement was never even made. You hated me when we were cubs. I didn't think you'd even want to see me again, let alone be mated to me," Leru answered, avoiding his gaze.

It hurt Vine's heart to hear her say that. She thought I'd never want to see her again. That I hated her, no less, he thought. He was disgusted with himself. He had to fix this.

"Look Leru, I-I never hated you! Never! Please, never think t-that again. Cause it's not true!" He was rambling hysterically. He sighed and took a deep breath. "Okay. Can we just start over? Let's pretend we'd never met 5 months ago. All that past is behind us. Can we start fresh?" He asked, suddenly very shy.

Leru looked at him with shock and pity. He regretted what he did when they were cubs? He cared enough about her to make sure she wasn't mad at him? Wow. Didn't see that coming, she thought. She admired him for how he accepted his mistake, and that he'd admitted it. And the fact that Vine was willing to 'start over' made her love him even more. ADMIRE HIM. ADMIRE HIM EVEN MORE. Great Jaguar Gods, what's wrong with me?

She laughed. She laughed and laughed and laughed. Vine wasn't laughing, however. "Hey! I'm being serious, here!" He cried, stamping his paw. Leru stopped laughing and nodded. "Yes. We can start over. Here. I'm Leru."

Vine froze. He couldn't believe it. Yes!!!!!!!!!!!!!! His heart leaped with joy. He had to keep his body from doing so. "R-really?!"  He cleared his throat and composed himself. "Hello. I'm Vine," he said in a regal tone. Leru chuckled and that electrified his heart. He loved her laugh. "There's the Vine I know and love," she said.

They both sniffed each other's snouts. Then Leru blushed at what she just said. Idiot idiot idiot! she scolded herself over and over again.

"Hey! Vine! There you are!"

They both turned to where the voice was coming from. To Leru's surprise and Vine's annoyance, Snake came bounding up. When he saw Leru, he stopped dead. Great Jaguar Gods, she's magnificent. Even better than I remember! He thought with absolute wonder. He came up to her and his brother, but completely ignored Vine. A few inches from Leru, Snake bowed to her. When he got back up, Vine was glaring daggers at his younger brother.

What's he playing at? Vine thought angrily. He's not- oh no! He couldn't be!

Snake spotted the flower behind Leru's ear. Really, Vine? A lily? That's the best you could come up with? He chuckled to himself. "A beautiful albino like yourself, Leru, deserves a better flower than that weed," Snake exaggerated the last word and snuck a glance at his older brother. Vine let out a soft growl, and Snake bounded away towards a passion flower bush and picked a flower from it. He bounded back with the beautiful pink flower in his jaws. "May I?" Snake asked through the flower. Leru nodded nervously as Snake, ever so gently, placed his flower behind the opposite ear from Vine's.

Vine lost it. He was furious. How dare my younger brother do this to me?! He thought. He took a step towards Snake, but Snake only turned to Vine and braced himself. The two brothers stepped forwards and placed their foreheads together. Neither of them broke the gaze, as they dangerously squared off.

Obviously very uncomfortable, Leru cleared her throat. "Um, I'm gonna go look for Saffi. Nice to see you again Snake. And thanks again, Vine. For everything," she said. Leaving the two males gazing after her, Leru bounded back into the fray of black jaguars.

With her out of sight, Vine grabbed Snake by his scruff and dragged him into the forest, away from prying eyes and ears to their incoming argument. Finally out of earshot, Vine threw Snake on the ground in front of him. Snake landed with a thud, but jumped back on up and spun around to face Vine. The two brothers circled each other. Finally, Vine pounced. He landed on Snake and barreled him over. On top of Snake, Vine bent over and asked, "Why?! Why would you do that?!" Snake smirked and kicked Vine's stomach with his back paws, sending him flying backwards. He landed with a thump on his stomach. Snake leaped and landed squarely on Vine's back. He bent down and said in his older brother's ear, "You really thought I would let you have her? Of all jaguars, you? You hated her when we were cubs! You didn't give two rats' flanks about her! Meanwhile I'm over here playing third wheel to her, when she enchanted me at first sight!!!" At that, Vine lost it. He kicked out with one of his back legs and one of Snake's back legs buckled from the impact. He fell to the side, and Vine sprung up. Snake got up and chuckled.

"She enchanted you?! Bull dung! Remember Snake, she was going to be arranged to me!" Vine spat.

"Oh yeah? Well remember Vine, her mother called it off! Leru's free to choose whoever she wants! And why in all the stars would she choose you? The jaguar who didn't trust her kindness?" Snake retorted.

Suddenly, a sound like lightning blasted through the air. The quarreling brothers' heads shot up. The sound came from the meeting place. They both knew exactly what that sound was. Vine and Snake looked at each other. "Leru!" They both yelled and raced towards the place where tons of jaguars were streaming away from.

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