Chapter 9: Lost and Found

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Reem? Where did he go?

"Please! If you know where he is, tell me! They'll be here any minute now!" Nona exclaimed. She was looking everywhere for him.

Leru sniffled. "Wait who's coming?" She asked.

Nona turned back to her. "The creatures that just made that sound! The Humans!"

The Humans? Why would they cause such a frenzy like this? Leru wondered.

"Well here! I know where he went!" Leru cried. "Really?! Where'd he go?!" Nona cried. "Come on!" Leru scrambled out from under the bush and into the fray. Nona was right behind her, guarding her from the other jaguars colliding bodies. Leru scented for Reem. His scent was still on her body from when she collided into him. She knew it was nearly impossible to try and find him amongst all the others, but she had to try.

Got him! The albino raced in the direction of Reem, and they found him running around looking for Nona.

"Reem!" Nona cried. He turned to her and they both ran to each other. They both nuzzled in greeting and Nona turned back to Leru.

"Thank you so much!" She exclaimed.

Leru dipped her head and replied, "No problem!"

"Where's your mother?" Reem asked, worry clouding his gaze.

"I need to find her! May Ventus get you home safely!" Leru called over her shoulder as she bolted away.

"And may Ignis protect you and let you find your mother!" Reem called.

As she ran, she slowly became aware of the fact that there weren't that many black jaguars here anymore. Her gut was telling her that she shouldn't be in the open, that if the Humans saw her, she'd be a goner.

Suddenly she felt Vine beside her. "What are you still doing here?!" He demanded. Then Snake fell in on Leru's other side. "Come on! We have to leave! Now!" They led her into the trees, and away from the cliff top. They ran along with tons of other jaguars. They all looked like shadows running beside her. Then there was Leru: the star among the night.

They ran by a log and skidded to a halt behind it. Out of breath, they hid underneath some ferns growing beside the log. Vine and Snake were keeping lookout while Leru, in between them, caught her breath. She laid her head on her paws.

Another sound blasted its way through the forest. Very loud, it sent other creatures, not just jaguars, scrambling away through the night. It was exactly like the first sound that sent everyone into a frenzy back in the meeting place. Where is my family? She thought pitifully.

Leru started to silently weep. She was so helpless. She couldn't keep up with her family, and had gotten separated from them. And what about Saffi? She'd left Saffi to find her mother and litter mates alone! If Saffi's description of her litter mates was accurate, then they would've left her! But her mother might not've..... But if she had the majority of her cubs with her, Saffi's mother could've left her in order to save the other cubs! She weeped because she was so helpless. Why did this happen? Why were the Humans doing this?!

A paw rested on her head. She looked to her right and saw it was Vine. He was looking at her with such kindness, it frightened her. She'd never seen him like this. But it was the only comfort she got, so she decided to receive it. A tail rested on her back. She turned to her left and saw it was Snake. He touched his nose to her cheek.

"Please don't cry," Snake whispered.

"A jaguar as beautiful as you shouldn't ever cry," Vine whispered in her ear.

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